results of 2nd MRI

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I had my second MRI done in April to focus on my pineal gland cyst and make sure it did not grow or contain a mass. The day of I wasn't that nervous until I was in there because this time around it was a little different. So when I was in there I did get a bit anxious and shaky, but lucky I calmed down and got out a little while after. I got the results a few days later, after my neurosurgeon had time to review it himself. The pineal gland cyst had stayed the same size, which was good but they found something else. Now, they additionally I have an enlarged pituitary stalk which is very close to my optic nerve, so they have to monitor  that and make sure it isn't messing with my vision. I have to see another type of doctor, an endocrinologist to get more information about the enlargement and if I need to do anything about it right now.

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