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Sometimes I just feel like I need to take Excedrin to feel better. To feel okay. To survive. It doesn't always work, but I feel like I need it 24/7. My body is only thriving when I am on it. My head will not stop, I'm starting to shake when I don't have it. I am using it way too much. At least 3 to 4 times a week. My body keeps getting used to it, and my head just feels worse. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this. My dysfunctional head. The one that does not work, the one that gives me pain everyday, the one that has made me give up what I love to do, that has made me miss out on important events, and have become distant with the ones around me. I just want this all to go away. No pills, no doctors, no treatment, no cure, what is left to help me?

In My Head [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now