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I have had a really bad migraine since yesterday, pain level 8. I stayed up until 3 in the morning, doing homework. That made my migraine worse, even though I increased my dosage by 5 mg. I thought that would help but it didn't. My doctor says I should only take any other pain reliever 3 not more than 3 times a week. Last week, 5 dosages. This week three times. When I went to the nurse today, I told her I had a migraine and she said I should try to lay down. I lay down and try to fall asleep for over 30 minutes with no luck. The pain level stayed the same in between eight and nine. So a few minutes later I asked if I could call home. This is a newer nurse to the school, so I had to explain my diagnosis and illness a little bit, which led to crying. The other teacher that was in the room said it's okay I know it must be frustrating. I told him that I took amitriptyline every night, and I already took my 3 dosage of Excedrin this week. They then asked when I get migraines, I replied every day at this point I was bawling my eyes out. I couldn't take it I couldn't face up to it, because I am sick and tired of this disease controlling my life. They let me go home and I got picked up. I try to have some caffeine- tea, hoping that will help.

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