Chapter 14

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"You'll be staying here with Molly to keep an eye on the place," Remus instructed Ginny and Michael. As it had turned out, a few nights at the Burrow turned into a good part of the summer. With things changing so drastically in the wizarding world, it wasn't deemed very wise when Clara wanted to go home. Griffin and her mother were both still missing after Dumbledore's death, Roman already assuming that they were amongst Voldemort's followers and that it was unrealistic in thinking that they were ever going to be a family again.

It was sad to watch the Caxtons crumble at such a rapid pace. Clara had never wanted Michael to go through all of this. Unfortunately, he was being pulled into this crazy fight as well. It was remarkable to think that they were all still so young, each of the Caxtons celebrating their birthdays the month prior.

"But I can go. I can fight," the 15-year-old insisted. He was frustrated that he couldn't go to Privet Drive to help Harry. He was also upset that he couldn't stay with the twins, Clara, and Roman, who were selected to be some of the Harry decoys for when they moved him from the Dursleys' to the Burrow.

Remus put a reassuring hand on Michael's shoulder. "Michael, I understand how much you want to help. What your job is right now, though, is to protect Mrs. Weasley and protect Ginny. Clara will be safe. She's a very capable young witch."

Michael's gaze shifted briefly from Remus to Clara at the mention of her name.

"I want you to do everything in your power to make sure they stay safe. We'll all be back before you know it."

Michael looked around at the four faces that stood before him, let out a sigh, then nodded.

Clara pushed through to her brother and put a hand on the side of his face.

"It seems like only yesterday I was holding you in my arms after you were born," she reminisced with a smile. "You're nearly all grown up now."

Michael's face was still filled with frustration, his eyes boring into Clara's.

She pulled him into a tight embrace, unsure of how to deal with Michael's changes in behavior.

"Oi, don't stay up too late for us now," Fred joked as he and George walked past the group to join the others outside.

"Best come back in one piece," Michael shouted back.

"Of course we will," Fred answered as he stuck his head back through the kitchen doorway. "We have to look good for the Veelas we'll be meeting in a few days, right Mikey?" He winked at Michael before joining his brother outside.

Michael smiled genuinely enough to hide his slight frustrations that were now tagged with the twins.

Fleur's cousins were all that the boys could talk about now that the wedding was going to happen. Fred and George had mentioned to Michael that they could be wing men for him, Clara only scolding them because she wasn't ready for Michael to grow up and start liking girls.

Michael didn't mind that as much as he minded Fred being interested in girls.

Or at least in girls other than his sister.

Soon, he, Molly, and Ginny heard the group leave.

They were alone. All they could do was wait.


"'Saint-like'," Clara commented, walking back in to the parlor with more towels for Molly. "You and your stupid jokes, George."

All he did was smile, then wince as his mother applied more pressure to the wound that was on the side of his head. The room was quiet with all of the concerned faces that looked upon George.

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