Chapter 5- It Took All I Had

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I slowly opened my eyes and saw Leon bending down towards my face. Was he trying to kiss me? Then he began to blow into my mouth. I hit his arm and he pulled away.

"Violetta, you're awake!"

"What are you doing?"

"Saving you!"

"Oh, what happened?"

"Well, Lara pushed you in and then you became unconscious."

“And where’s Diego and Lara?”

“They left.”

“So why are you saving me, I thought you didn’t care for me anymore!”

“I do care for you, why would you think that?”

"Because you kissed Lara."

"Vilu, she kissed me, you have to...."

"No Leon." I interrupted "Don't because, I still love you, and I want to be with you. But I can't want it. Because I can't get hurt again. I can't be with you, because you will hurt me again, and I can't handle that."

I got up and left.

When I got back, I went up to my room and picked up my diary.

I don't know why I just did that. Leon saved me and said he cared for me. And I believed him. But I still rejected him. Why am did I do that? I am just scared he will reject me again, but instead I rejected him. What should I do? I really love Leon nd it took everything I had not to take him back. So why didn't I?

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