Chapter 14- Trying To Remember

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"And then he asked me, who are you." I said to Francesca as tears ran down my face.

We were outside Leon's room waiting for the doctor to let us in again.

"I'm sure he will remember you, he was probably just a bit in shock."


The door opened.

"You can go in now."

We walked past the doctor and into Leon's room as I wiped the tears off my face.

"Hi again." 

"Hi Leon."

"Francesca! Hi!"

He remembers her. I looked over at her and smiled sadly.

"So you remember me?" She asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I remember one of my best friends?"

"Who else do you remember?" I asked

"Everyone, you, Cami, Maxi, Andres, Ludmilla, Naty, Lara, the teachers..."

After that, he recited everyone, but me.

Why doesn't he remember me. It is almost as if there is a part of him trying to forget me. Trying to block me from his memory. 

It was almost as if I had done something to hurt him, so he wanted to forget me. But I don't understand. I haven't done anything that would make him want to forget me. Have I?

"What is the last thing you remember?" He might not remember meeting me.

"Crashing my bike"

"And do you remember having a girlfriend?" I needed to know if he thought he had a girlfriend.

"I don't know, I can't remember, so probably not."

"Okay." I said, looking down to the floor, the tears forming in my eyes. "I um I have to go."

Fran smiled sadly at me as I walked towards the door.


I turned back. Maybe he had remembered me.

"You left your bag."

"Oh, thanks."

Francesca passed my bag then I left and closed the door behind me.

The minute I was out of the room, I slid my back down the wall and let the tears fall down my face.

I just wanted to say that I am giving away She Stole My Husband, so if youu are interested, please let me know, and I have posted a new Germangie story called Don't Give Up so go and read it! It is instead of She Stole My Husband. Just thought I'd let you know. And also, Oky will be delayed. So don't forget to let me know if you want to take over She Stole My Husband, and read Don't Give Up.


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