Chapter 13- My Love!

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I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. I blinked a few times, then realised it was real.

"MY LOVE!!!!!" I shouted as I ran over to his side. "You're okay."

I pressed the call button several times before hugging Leon.

"What is it?" Asked the doctor as he burst in.

"HE'S AWAKE!!!!!"

"Miss, that call button is for emergencies only."


"Okay, calm down. Now Mr Vargas, I have to ask you a few questions."

"Go ahead." He said as I smiled at him.

"What is your name?"

"Leon Vargas."

"What is your passion?"

"Easy, music."

"Okay, well you seem to remember who you are, so we will run a few tests on you later, but for now, I will leave you two to talk."

"Thank you." I said as he left and closed the door.

I smiled at Leon. 

"My love, I am so glad you are okay. I thought you would never wake up after what happened at the Studio. I am just so happy, I can't believe it! I am so relieved that you are back, I can't wait until you come out of the hospital, then we can do things together again, it's our 3 month anniversary soon and we can go out to dinner....."

"Okay, but......."

"I know, we can't rush things, but I am just so happy you are back, I have missed you so much."

I moved in closer and pressed my lips against his.

He didn't kiss back.

I pulled away.

"What is it my love, why didn't you kiss back?"

"I have a question for you."


"Who are you?"

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