Chapter 8- Cry

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Me and Leon had been back together for a week. Everything was going great!

I finished putting my make-up on and went downstairs to have breakfast.

Then I went upstairs and picked up a picture of Leon and I and looked at it.

There was a knock at the door and Angie answered it. I knew it was Leon, but Angie always answered the door. I was getting my bag when Angie shouted up to me.


I ran down the stairs.

"Hello my lo.... Who are you?" I asked looking at the man standing at the door.

"I'm from the hospital."


"Your, boyfriend I believe he is."



"What happened?" I was getting scared now.

"Well, there is no easy way to say, that he crashed his motorbike."

I felt the tears coming to my eyes.

"And he is in the hospital."

This can't be happening. I ran out of the door.

"I can give you a lift if you want!"

But I was already halfway down the road.

I ran through the entrance to the hospital and up to the counter.

"Leon......Vargas?" I said, trying to catch my breath.

"Room 459, do you want a drink or anything?"

"No." I said as I ran towards the lift. I just needed to see Leon.

I found his room and was about to go in when a doctor stopped me.

"You can't go in there."

"But he's my boyfriend!"

"You still can't go in."


"Wait over here and we will tell you when you can go in."

"Please, I'll be five minutes."

"Just sit down."

I walked over to the chairs and sat down. I looked at the picture of me and Leon I still had in my hand. I just wanted to see him. I just wanted to hear his voice. But most of all, I wanted him to hold me, and say that everything would be alright. I put my head in my hands and began to cry and cry and cry.

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