Part 1.

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-DO NOT read the chapter unless it has [FIXED] at the top. This is a WARNING!-


"PAYTON HURRY UP!" I heard my brother yell annoyed. "OKAY!" I yelled back before turning the shower off and stepping out. "Stupid brother." I mumbled as I dried off and got dressed. Fixing my hair and make up I stepped out of the bathroom. "There." I said walking past him and into my room. "Finally." he said before rushing into the bathroom.

Today was our last day of school and also our first day of band practice. We are in a band with our best friends, Alex and Alexis, also twins. Humming a random tune I grabbed my backpack and phone before heading downstairs. "Hey mum, hey dad" I said while kissing my moms very round belly. "Why do you always say 'mum' instead of mom?" my brother Connor asked as he ate his eggs. Shrugging I grabbed an apple before going to my car.

"Here is your summer reading list. There are only five books on this list. Not that bad, so no excuses." our English teacher Mr. Harris said while passing out a peace of paper with five books written on it. "I'm sure Payton has read them already" my friend Sam said from his seat behind me. "Ha ha" I said rolling my eyes. "But yeah I've read three of these books." I said reading over the list. "Which ones?" He asked looking at the list. "The Fault In Our Stars, An Abundance of Katherine's , and Looking For Alaska." All John Green books. I thought. "Nerd" he joked while we packed up our things.

"Bye Sam!" I called as we exited the school. He waved bye before getting in his car and driving to the airport. He visits his dad during the summer in Scotland. I went one summer with him and it was amazing. Our parents are very close and he's more of a brother than a friend. "Hey babe!" Alexis said looping our arms together and walking with me to my car. "Hey!" I said smiling at her. "Ready for tonight?" she asked buckling her seat belt. "Yes! I've missed my drums!" I said driving to her house. She laughed at my excitement. I dropped my drums off at her house a few days ago so I wouldn't have to today. "They're still there don't worry" she said shaking her head.

Once at Alexis's house I saw my brother and hers setting things up. "Hey guys" I said walking into the basement. "Hey" they both said before getting their instruments. I grabbed my drum sticks from my bag and sat behind me drums. "Mamas home" I said before drumming a random beat. After three hours of practice we decided to take a break and order pizza. While sitting in the lounge they had in the basement I logged into my Tumblr opening my blog I began typing about my day.

-hey guys! Payton here, today was pretty awesome.

Got to be with my babies again! [pic of me with drums]

Also fist day of band practice! whoop!

Another awesome thing is I only have to read two books this summer for school! ( I already read the other three )

So if you've read Paper Towns or Will Grayson, Will Grayson let me know!!-

"Hey, pizzas here" Alex said while bringing in two boxes of pizza. "Yummy" Alexis and I said while grabbing our box and sitting on the couch. Eli and Alex sat on the beanbags in front of the tv. "Put in a movie?" I suggested as I got comfortable on the couch. "Sure, what movie?" Eli asked as he looked through the movies. "Doesn't matter" we all said at the same time. "Alright scary it is" he said before putting in a scary movie. "Yay!" I said happily. Alexis groaned while Alex and Eli high-five.

"Okay that's enough!" Alexis yelled as she huddled closer to Alex. We were watching Saw III and she wasn't happy about it. Laughing Eli turned the movie off. "So what's the plan?" He asked no one in particular. "I need the Lou so you guys discus it." I said walking to the bathroom. "You're not British Payton!" Alexis yelled after me. "Oh well!" I said before entering the bathroom. Once I did my business I exited the bathroom to find Eli and Alex missing. "Where are the boys?" I asked Alexis as she picked up the empty boxes and cups. "Your house. You're stay here, Alex is staying there and we are practicing here tomorrow at 4pm" she said while throwing the trash away.

"Okay cool." I said before walking upstairs to her room. With Alex and Alexis being twins like me and Eli they also share a bathroom. "Hey I'm narrowing clothes!" I called as she got in the shower. "Whatever!" she called back. Slipping on a t-shirt and shorts I slipped under her blanket and laid down. "Night Alexis!" I yelled as she got out of the shower. "Night!" she yelled back. I closed my eyes as I let sleep willingly take me away. I awoke sometime in the night to my phone softly playing 'Same Mistakes' by One Direction. Sighing I already knew who it was. "Yes Aiden?" I said slightly annoyed that he woke me up at 2am. "Heeeeey Payton!" he said in a slurred voice. "Okay, you're drunk, call me when you're sober" I said before hanging up and putting my phone on silent. "Asshole" I ward Alexis mumble as she sat up also.

"Wanna get snacks?" I asked as we both got up. "Sure. Mom and dad are out on a 'date' so we don't have to be quiet." She said air quoting the word date. Meaning they where in some hotel somewhere doing what parents do. We both shuddered at the thought as we walked down to the kitchen. "Chips or ice cream?" She asked as we entered the kitchen. "Ice cream" we both said then laughed. "So he still calls you?" she asked as she got out bowls and spoons. "Yeah, every Friday at 2am. Always drunk off his ass" I said rolling my eyes.

"He's an idiot!" she said giving my bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce on top. "Duh?" I said taking my spoon and mixing my ice cream and sauce. "He's an ass who needs beat up!" she said stuffing her mouth. "Eli did that remember? You where there yelling how hot Eli looked while pinching someone." I said looking at her puzzled. "Oh yeah. I remember now!" she said happily eating her ice cream. "Freak" I said while finishing my ice cream. After we both finished we went to the living room and watched a bit of tv until we finally passed out again.

"Dudes wake up!" I faintly heard a voice say. "Shut up Alex!" I heard Alexis yell at him. "It's 3pm you guys have an hour to get ready for practice" he said before walking away. "Fuck" I mumbled and sat up rubbing my eyes. "Stupid boys" Alexis mumbled while walking to her room. I followed and got dressed in shorts and a random t-shirt. "You guys suck" she told them as we went to the basement. "You guys shouldn't have slept that long!" Eli said kissing her cheek. "Gross. And it wasn't our fault. Stupid Aiden called me. Again." I said sitting behind my drums. "Gross" Eli and Alex said.

Five hours of practice later we finally took a brake. "I'm making chicken!" I said before walking to their kitchen. "Cool!" I heard the guys yell as Alex followed me. "Dude. Max Dillion is having a 'Beginning Of Summer' party and we are going." I rolled my eyes. "Max Dillion. Aiden's brother Mac Dillion. The max Dillion who lives with my crazy ex-boyfriend?" I said rolling my eyes. "Well, yeah" she said shrugging. "Alright fine" I said after her begging for an hour. "Yay!" she said dragging me upstairs to get ready. "This is stupid" I grumbled as she put a black dress in my hands. "Whatever. Get dressed." She said shoving me to the bathroom.

"My boobs are falling out!" I yelled before leaving the bathroom. The right black dress was making the top of my boobs pop out. Not in a gross way but still. "Whoa. You look hot!" Alexis said fixing my hair in a side braid. "Whatever" I said looking at her. "You look hot!" I said looking at her tight white dress. "Thanks!" she said happily fixing her hair the same as mine. "Lets go!" she yelled dragging me to the cab outside. Laughing I followed her around the crowded house. "Dude lets dance!" She yelled taking me to the dining room that has been turned into a dance floor.

"You're so hot" I heard a voice say in my ear while hands grabbed my waist. I giggled and dance on the stranger. "Wow babe. I never knew you could be like this" the voice said lowly in my ear. I turned around noticing the strangers face. I gasped as I saw familiar brown eyes. "Hi" I said a bit shy. "Hey" he said before kissing me.

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