~The Truth...

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Chapter 3:

~The Truth...


TI lay on my bed with my face in my pillow. I was blasting The A Team by Ed Sheeren I didn't even realize when Eli came in my room and turned off the music. I was crying so much, he came over and sat down beside me. "What's wrong Jay bug?" I sat up and looked at him sitting Indian style with my head down. He lifted my head and look me in the eyes. "What’s wrong sissy?" I looked at him and just purred my heart out to him. When I was finished he had tears filling in his eyes he laid on my bed closing his eyes. I lay beside him and fell asleep. I was awakened by Alex yelling at me

"GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP YOU WHORE!!!" she was sitting beside me I stuck my arm and slapped her in the face. She fell to floor and I started laughing so hard I peed (literally I have a tiny bladder sorry :/) She got up and smiled "Love you" she said hugging me "love you I said getting up and changing my sheets and clothes. “You ok Payton?" she asked softly I knew Eli would have told her everything I mean she is his girlfriend after all. "yeah I’m doing better...I just wish I knew who he was?" i said slipping on jean cut off shorts and a bright pink tank top and matching flip-flops.

She was wearing the same outfit but her shirt and shoes where green. We always matched because we were pretty much twins our birthday was the same day. But she had a twin Adam; I could hear him Eli and Zack playing some game. "Maybe your aunt would know?" she said walking to my mirror where I was applying eyeliner and mascara. "Yeah, maybe. But would she tell me? I mean my mom probable called and told her not to or something?" I said walking to the bathroom going in Eli's room she followed behind.

We stood there as the guys where all shirtless and playing Call of Duty. There were empty pizza boxes and candy bar rappers everywhere. "Really?" I said looking around his room "Yeah now come beat Adams' ass in this game for me" Eli demanded as he grabbed my arm and sat me down on his bed. I was winning until Zack and Adam winked at each her than Zack threw underwear in my face "AHHHHH!!! Get it off it buuuuuuurns my eyes!!" I yelled running around Alex ripped them off my face "AHHHHH THE LIGHT!!!" I yelled running away. I walked back to my room still laughing. I picked up my phone and texted my aunt.

Message sent to-BESTAUNTEVER:)-Hey...Do you know who the best man of you wedding was?:)

I typed as Alex was doing her hair and makeup...again...my phone vibrated. I looked at the text in disbelieve my jaw wide open "Careful you might catch bugs" Alex said walking over she grabbed my phone and read it 

Message received from-BESTAUNTEVER:)-Yes it was Paul Higgins...Why?

Her mouth flew open and she scream so loud I think I went deaf (kidding) all the boys ran in and me and Alex where jumping on my bed screaming and laughing. "WHAT!?!" they yelled at the same time "Our real dad is Paul Higgins" I screamed loudly "Kay say what's so great about him?" Zack asked "He's the body guard for One Direction” Adam and Eli said sadly while Eli looked a little concerned. I didn’t want to get my hopes up or anything, what if he doesn’t believe us? Or what if mom and dad won’t let us go see him? With all these thoughts in my head at once I started to get a headache. Sighing I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes.

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