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Chapter 4:




 Yesterday was a pretty good day:) me, Alex, Adam, Eli, and Zack hung out all day at the football field we played until 10:30...the ride home was awkward I had to sit by Zack and Adam while Alex sat in the front with Eli...and thanks for the concern guys but me and Alex found out who my "REAL" dad is and now me and Eli just need a way to see him??? But we really need to practice for the Band Battle at the park Saturday...did I mention today FRIDAY!!! and its 7:30am I don’t know why my brain hasn't fixed it's self for summer yet...ugh well hopefully we will win The Band Battle because than we get to go to London and got Battle of The Bands...but the real reason why me and Alex want to win is because ONE DIRECTION will be giving the award, performing, and the winner gets money signed things by them and to hang with them for a DAY...A HOLE DAY WITH ONE DIRECTION!!!!!....well LATER HATERS :)

I walked to my closet grabbing my blue TOMS and gray sofie shorts with a white tank top and my bright blue PINK shirt over it. I put my hair down i left it curly which it came right below my boobs. I grabbed my phone and walked down stairs. Dad was gone he took Cody and Conner to stay with him at his moms house. Mom was walking around trying to get ready for her real job as a nurse. "Hey sport" she called out from the kitchen "hey mom. Where’s Eli?" I asked sitting on a stool by the bar in the kitchen she made me my favorite breakfast. OREOS AND NUTEALA I know I’m a weird child, but oh well i love food. 

"He is with Alex on a date type thing” he said handing me the Oreos and I thought this could mean two things? "What did he say when he left?" I asked with my mouth full of Oreos. "He said he'll be home late and to meet him at the fields at 3" i made a nasty face when he said "fields"  he meant Alex's bed room.



SATURDAY THE BIG DAY!!!!! WISH US LUCK EVERY ONE :) that's all for now guys well....LATER HATER :)

I got dressed in holly Skinny Jeans, pink chucks, and our white tee-shirts that said "LADY AND THE TRAMP" on the front and the back of mine said DRUMMER Alex's said SIGNER Adams said BASSIST and Eli's said GUITAR. We were proud of our little band Alex and Adam where good at what they did and so were Eli and myself. We got to the park just as they called out our name. We ran up and did out song. We did a cover of "What Makes You Beautiful" by One direction but Alex sang the beginning and end and Adam rapped the rest of it. He is so fast it is hard to understand him.

@Alex_1D: Wish me and @Jaybug_1D @Eli_Williams @Adam_Twinny_Alex good luck today everyone BIG day at the park well...PEACE OUT GIRL SCOU T:)

I read the tweet after the show we group hugged until they said who would win and go to London. Eli and I wanted to go more than anything. Not just for the band but for our dad. It’s weird calling someone else that but that would me amazing. Everything was so quit and still as they called out our name as the winner we jumped in the air and screamed hugging and high fiving each other. "Thank you so much!" Alex said getting the award and tickets. 


WE WON BITCHIES WE FUCKING WON!!!!!!!!!!! Now it's off to London Tomorrow and the Battle of The Bands Tuesday :) can't wait so happy, well.....LATER HATER:)

I packed all night, Alex and Adam stayed the night with us. We had to get up at 3:00am to get on the plan and leave. Mom was crying and Steve (dad) was there saying his goodbyes. We got on the plan and they had Wi-Fi so I updated the BLOG! Alex wrote in it to and tweeted and wrote about it on facebook.


On the plan right now guys headed to London :) Adam is flirting with the hostess and Eli is sleeping:) Pics on Twitter<3 HEY GUYS ALEX HERE Payton had to pee..again...her and he small bladder :D Love you Manning:) oh that's what i call her because you know Payton Manning lol I like it :) well she's back now hands full of food...shocking...NOT!:) ok well....PEACE OUT GIRL SCOUT:) oh gosh well about to land guys update ya'lll later well......LATER HATER:)

We got off the plane and in to the limo. It drove us to our hotel which was HUDGE. We all unpacked and went swimming me in my PINK bathing suit and Alex in hers. Mine was an American flag and hers was a British flag (How festive) we swam them went up to the hotel and showered and slept. The time was all weird and confusing. The next day we went to the stadium and practiced then came home and ate...ate...slept...blogged. Ate...ate...blogged...slept.


TUESDAY...I know I didn’t blog Sunday but I was so hyper and tired idk the times are all weird lol but its TUESDAY guys you know what that means :) ONE DIRECTION :) and of course Battle of the Bands...DUHHHH!!!! i didn't forget:) but what is Paul going to say when me and Eli tell him about our mom and the wedding and stuff?:( I hope he believes us :/ well Thursday is MINE, ELIBARE,SKANYBOO(ALEX)AND ASSDIGGER(ADAM) BIRTHDAY!!! I know its weird how we all share but oh well:) it is pretty cool and fun:) WELLLLLLL.........LATER HATER :) 

We got to the Stadium and they had games of Football(Soccer) and others going on me and Alex where wearing our matching black and pink chucks, jean shorts, and our band shirts. We ran over and asked if we could join they let us and our team won(of course) "ready?" I looked at Adam, Alex, and Eli they all nodded and we walked on stage we went right after One Direction performed. I saw Paul back stage watching us. Well all the boys where, they kept pointing at us and smiling ‘Is that good?’ I thought as we finished, we walked back stage and there he was Paul Higgins my birth father staring right at me I was speechless. I couldn’t just come out and say ‘hey you’re my dad’ could I? No that would be creepy as fuck.

One Moment.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz