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A/N**This will be another long one sorry guys:/**

Chapter 5: Dad?

**Paul's P.O.V**

As she walked up to me I knew who's daughter she was her Blonde curly hair her big bright green eyes her tan skin. She was infact Amy Williams daughter she stood infront of me as memorys of me and her mother ran threw my mind. I stood there remembering the letter her mom wrote me telling me why she had to leave. A tear filled in my eye but i blinked it away "can we private?" she asked her sweat soft voice sounded nervouse i nodded and took the boys and the rest of her band to the dressing room me and her walked around back stage for a bit talking "So this will sort of be a shock to you and you can believe me or not but i know what my mom and aunt said and well....youre my dad" she said stopping in her tracks. I looked in her eyes trying to think. Oh god it's true as i remembe the last night her mother and i had together. " I-I..a believe you" i said slowly a small smile shown on her face as her eyes light up with happieness "You do?...oh and i have a twin brother"she laughed looking away.

"Of course and really?..was he in the band?"

"yeah..he was the guitar player"

"That's what i thought you guys look so much alike" she laughed and we talk the hole way back to the dressing room. She told me everything about her and her life in the states and how many brothers she had. Her dogs name, all the sports she plays, and about when her mom and "dad" told her he wasn't her real "dad".

**Payton's P.O.V**

I was laughing as we walked in the room there was a dog pile of people on the floor Harry and Louis looked at Paul as he told them to get up "NOOO JIMMY PROTESTED" Louis shouted as Pauls got them all of the floor. he sat them down and waved me over i stood beside him smileing "Boys...this is Payton and this is Eli..and they are my son and daughter"he said i smileld at him and so did Eli. All the boys mouths flew wide open and they looked at eachother "What do you mean?" Niall said ugh his accent was so cute it made me blush a little. He told them everything and we all sat around getting to know eachother.

**Eli's P.O.V**

I sat there inbetween Jaybug and Alex holding there hands. Jaybyg's because she was nervouse and Alex's because we are dating OFFICIALY now her brother aproved and we are out there. As everyone talked and laughed i noticed Jaybug and Niall would not stop stairing at eachother i nudged her and winked them looked at Niall. She blushed and shook her head laughing. I would need to have words with this young lady.

**Niall's P.O.V**

She was just beautiful i couldn't stop stairing and i tried trust me. The way she flipped her bangs out of her eyes just got me so overwelmed(HA GET IT) anyway i couldnt help but notice she has holding someguys hand. I think he was her brother but who was the other she was holding hands with? I don't know girls confues me they are so complicated and hard to read. But i did know everytime she looked at me she would blush and smile them look away and laugh. It was so cute the way she did that. 

***Payton's P.O.V**

I was walking around our hotel room at three in the morning eating of course. I was looking threw twitter when i saw something AMAZING.

@NiallOfficial Just met the most amazing girl ever she is so beautiful and funny:)Xx No names yet people gatta find out if she's ok with it first;)Xx Love You all NIGHT!XoXoXo

I when to my DM"S and saw one from him

hey love:)xx is it ok if i mention you in my tweets? since we will be hanging out all summer now:)Xx

Of course you can:) and by the way why are you up so early oh and text me:)Xx

Got hungry...and hey why are you up so early? and ok i will love

Got hungry:)Xx


OMG today whent sooooo good guys:) we won and i told PAUL HIGGINS that me and Eli where is kids...He believed us and we are going to spend all summer here after our birthday we will tell mom...i wonder what she will say when we tell her we found our dad? wish me luck welll....LATER HATERS:)Xx

I walked out of our hotel with Alex holding my hand what a baby. We were going on a shopping sprea while the guys swam and had a guy day. we where wearing matching black jean skinnys and pink TOMS with our white PINK shirts the PINK was or course in PINK hahah **real quick guys sorry but PINK mean Victoria Secret if you didn't know** we walked hand in hand for a while untill we entered a Jack Will store. We had no idea what this was but they had cool hoodies and shirts.

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