•The Whole Story•

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-Chapter 2:

•The Whole Story•

I was sitting on my bed tapping away at my dell laptop. My hair was curly and i had on my basketball sweats and hoodie. They where gray with our school logo on them and my last name on the back of my hoodie. I was sitting on Twitter whn i got a DM from Alex

@Alex_1D HEY!!!!! OMG GUESS WHO IS HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND:)))))))-I read it slowly and carefully i didn't want her to say Zack. Ugh why was he so good looking and why was he my brothers BEST friend? i quickly wrote her back as i heard my mom and dad yelling for me.

@JayBug_1D OMG ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-I laughed as i read it she loved One Direction. I loved them to but not as much as her. i put my labtop on my bed and got off my bed i grabbed my phone and ran down stairs. I almost got ran over by Connor chasing Cody up the stairs yelling(like always) my phone vibrated but i ignored it. I saw my mom and dad sitting in the living room my mom had tears in her eyes so did my dad. He was holding a note or letter of some kind mubbleing to him self. My mom saw me and gave me a hug. It was so weird hugging a pregnant lady it feals so weird.

My mom motioned me to sit down and i did slowly we sat in silence for a bit my phone vibrating being the only noice we heard. Until Eli walked threw the door he had Zack and Adam with him. How could he do this to me? He saw me before he left OMG! he knew i looked like tottal shit. But noooo he brings Zack over any way. His nice brown hair swept to the side of his face. His big brown eyes meating my bright green eyes. i staird at him for a minute.

"Dude stop starrin that's my sister you perv" he said slamming the basketball he was holding into Zacks chest i laughed slightly. He looked at me and smiled before walking into our room. Yeah i know we share but it's not as bad as you would think we only share a bathroom not really the hole room. It has only two doors one from my side and one from his side. My parents looked at me and started talking. "Babe we need to talk" my mom said slowly trying to hold back tears. I looked worriedly at them both for about five minutes"I am not your real father...but that doesn't mean i love you any less" My heart dropped and tears starting running down my face i smaked my had to my mouth holding back a scream. "w-what do you mean?" i asked nevously "well when aunt Stacey was getting married i was her brides made and she was getting married in London to a painter. I was there and i was drunk-" she was cut off by my dad "she slept with someone else is what she is getting at" he said angerly he was a very blunt person.

I stood up and ran to my room slaming and locking the door behind me. I got on my blog and started typeing out all of my feelsing.


Today has been the BEST and WOREST day of my life. How can it be both? You might ask. Well i'll tell you how. Today was the start of summer vaction :) I when to the music stor with Alex and Adam. Alex got new drum sticks for me and her and I bought Elibare some picks for his guitar while Adam just messed around and got us kicket out...LOL:) that's the BEST part of my day everyone...Now for the worest well my "DAD" is not even my "DAD" at all :( it turns out my mom is a WHORE well she was i don't really know about now? I hope not :( I haven't told Elibare yet...he is going to be pissed....well LATER HATERS:)

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