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A red haired girl quickly rushed forward in front of the group, adjusting the paper crown on her head before smiling at the guards. "Don't you live alone though, Shelby?" The guard on the left questioned, and she continued to smile.

"Actually, I do! But you see, I raised this kid! And these are his friends, so family of my family is family to me!" She said confidently, gesturing to Uni, the other  two, and then herself. Uni seemed to be in complete shock. The guards exchanged glances before opening the gates.

"Enter, then. Put any weapons away before you do come in." The guard said. Shelby said a thank you to the guards as we went inside.

"Shelby? Where have you been?!" Uni quickly asked as they walked down a path and into a quaint village.

"You know this girl?" Jon questioned, and Shelby seemed to be nervous as she turned to face the group.

"I know! I should've told you something! But when I went to do my daily errands in Smallville, a witch came and was cursing someone!" Shelby ranted, her high pitched voice seemingly going higher. Jon covered his ears.

"Then why didn't you return afterwards?!" Uni snapped. Ashlie and Jon were just watching this argument go down.

"Because- the guy who was cursed? He went on some psychotic rampage! I didn't want to get killed! And not to mention, after he left, the village was put on lockdown! There was no way for me to contact you or come home! I'm really sorry! And when the village let people leave and come in, I couldn't find home without it turning dark! And you of all people should know that when its night that bad things happen to people who are wandering all alone! And I'm sorry, again!" Shelby exclaimed, apologizing as Uni sighed.

"Wait- is she the so called mentor you keep talking about Uni?" Ashlie asked, and Uni nodded.

"Oh! I had forgotten my manners, haha- I'm Shelby! I also happen to be Uni's mentor, well, was, really- but that's not the point!" She said, extending her hand out. Ashlie shook it.

"I'm Ashlie." She replied.

"I'm Jon!" Jon added afterwards.

"Ashlie the princess of Enderville and Jon the Jester of the Obade Kingdom- right?" She said. Jon gasped.

"How'd you know?" She smiled. "I've been to many villages! Uni here hasn't been to all the ones I've been to, but I go to a lot of different ones and such!" Shelby replied with a giggle.

"Anyways- what are you guys doing here anyways?" She asked.

"Looking for my cousin, Dawn. We heard that he was last seen here-" Ashlie explained, scratching the back of her neck.

"Oh! I'll help you look for him!" She said, walking forwards. "But first, did you guys need anything? Rest? Clothes? Food? I've got some extra if you need-"

"We're fine, Miss Shelby!" Ashlie said.

"Miss Shelby? Eheheh.. You guys can just call me Shelby." Shelby said, laughing slightly.

"Anyways- does your cousin live here? Is he new here? Did he come here recently, or do you know how long he's been here?" Shelby asked, stroking her chin as if she had a beard.

"From what we've heard, Dawn has been here recently-" Jon stated, and Ashlie added, "he probably looks badly beaten up- burned, even-" Shelby put a hand to her chin, as if thinking. She jumped slightly, eyes lighting up a bit.

"Oh! I saw him just before I went off this morning! He went that way-" She said, pointing left.

"Great! Let's go guys!" Ashlie said, turning left ready to go.

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