Your words

Your actions

Hurt me

Wound me

And not just me


Is hurting

Because of You

Your family

Your friends

My friends


No one believes me

When I say

You're abusive

You're toxic

No one


So I'm left alone with this


Everyone trusts You

Never me

Which hurts

Even more

And I'm left

With this ache

Nothing to ease it

Nothing to fix it

This unrelenting

Anger and hate

Toward myself

Wanting to heal

And You

I want You

To leave

Yet want You

To stay

Make my pain worse

That's all You want

Don't leave me

Not yet

So many


And You hit

Every one



Caused by You

And You alone

Worrying about

What I'm doing wrong

To have made You

Like this

It's all my fault

That You

Hate me

I'm what's wrong

And now

Seeing You

Is painful

Knives stabbing

My heart

Want to get over it

But You still manage

To hurt me

From the other side of the room

Why would You

Hurt me

How could You

Cause this

The no one

That You were friends with

For so long

Oh so long

And I remember

The good times

The happy memories

As I push You aside

The Happy



Person You used to be



With you.

And I'm leaving you

I'm leaving your lies

I'm leaving your hate

And I'm leaving the power I gave you

The power to hurt Me

Is no longer yours

No one

Should have that power

No one 

Will have that power

Over Me.

My Attempts at PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now