The Pain

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Torment me


Crush me


Is all I know

When You

Open your mouth

Your words

Are poison

That I used to drown in

Drinking it all

Battered and bleeding

Insides bruised

Cuts covering my thoughts

Leaking agony

Your pain

Is released on me

Warping me

Mauling me

Lashing out

At me

Causes wounds

That may never heal

My scars help You

Or at least that's how it seems

Maybe Your torture

Is meaningless

I'm damaged because of You

And I can't help it

It's spreading

With every insult

Rips in me

You stretch them

Until I'm

Fully exposed

Far past

The last time

I talked to You

And I still ache

I have become

A punching bag

Not just for You

But for me

Your tongue

Is a weapon

That will

Haunt me


You cut me down

For no reason

Other than your satisfaction

And after all this

I still don't wish you ill

I wish you to get better

I wish you would be stronger

That you would fix your ways

The times when hatred


Replace it with love

Hoping that you will be strong

Strong enough

To stop hurting me

And others like me

And I hope that

Your other victims

Would find the same strength

To not listen to your abuse

The hurt you


Into us

Is no more

I have

Taken that power

Away from you

As should others

No more grudges

But only

If you actually stop glaring at me everytime we pass each other

It's really annoying and not helping

//The last two lines are a joke but I couldn't think of an ending so. There you go.//

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