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Your excuses

That you've told me

Are ridiculous

And fake

That because

A kid in first grade

Said 'F*** you.'

You can curse at me

That because

I said

'Your eyeliner is crooked.'

You can make me crooked

That because

I stood up

For my friends

You can stand against me

That because

I said

'You should get this.'

You can crush me

That because

Your family

Is broken

You can break me

And because

You're insecure

And cruel

I have to suffer

Your excuses

Are made up

Your excuses

Don't convince me

Your excuses

Work on others

But I can see

Past your fake crying

And your fake stories

And you

I can see past you

To the future

Where I don't have to live

With your excuses

My Attempts at PoetryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt