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That was my mistake

Achieving it

Was my only goal

I wanted to see the end of the universe

Everyone has always

Seemed to crave it

Exploring the galaxy

But what they'll never understand

Is that it's lonely, so very lonely

No one will ever understand

The toll it takes on your mind

Watching everyone you've known

Everyone you've loved

Pass by, gone forever

You will learn things

Astonishing things

Horrifying thing

Some will stun you

For good, or bad

Some of the knowledge you learn

Can never be shared

It must be kept a secret

Because otherwise

Reality could burn

And no one can stay

Not one, no matter how many times

They say they will always be there for you

They all will leave

In one way or another

Seeing so many lives

So many places

So many amazing creations

It truly is beautiful

But it will never replace the hole left in you

It takes a piece out of you

 Hollows a person

Ruins a life

It hurts you, burdens you

With an unbearable weight

You watch everyone

Age and grow

Move on and die

And they watch you stay the same

Day upon year upon eon

You don't fear death

No, death is welcome, should it come

What you fear is yourself

That one day

You'll snap

That all the lives

And all the loss

And all the running

And living

Will catch up to you

The anger

And pain

That spans eras

Will burst out

Destroying everything

And you'll change

For the worse


And no one can stop you

Because of all that you know

Lasting for eternity

Will destroy you

It will crush you

And burn you

In any way that it can

So there's nothing for you to fear

But loss and yourself

As you drift



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