The Life and Legacy of Lennocelia Kingsleigh (Epilogue) ::40::

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A/N: My shift changed so I got to write the epilogue! There will be another note at the end. Cheers! xoxox

It was raining.

Sometimes when it rains, the drops of water are so fat and fall so fast that it's almost an angry rain. Today's rain.. wasn't that. The droplets that fell were soft and lazy... a sad rain. A rain that reflected on everyone's emotions as they entered the castle on that dreary Sunday morning. Everybody and their uncle wouldn't dare to miss the event in the Great Hall today.. the day that everyone said their final goodbye to someone they loved and missed greatly. There were three times as many seats in the very large dining hall than usual... probably because even the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students had come to give their condolences. There was no chatter amongst the students. No glances at eachother. No smiles. Nothing filled the room but a thousand people and pure silence.

All of the professors, some more upset than others, sat in the very front row, looking down at the ground as if this loss had been extremely personal. Dumbledore checked the time, realizing that it was time to begin his speech. He spotted the rest of the Kingsleigh's in the front row as well, seated amongst the professors. They were teary eyed, and not one of them looked any happier than 'absolutely dreadful.' Albus couldn't blame them. He walked to his podium slowly, and looked out amongst the crowd. Some faces were solemn.. some were puffy and wet with tears, others were blank.. not one smiling face. Not one trace of happiness.

“Lennocelia. Alexis. Kingsleigh.” he began, gaining the attention of the full room. There was a simultaneous intake of air amongst everyone in the crowd. Most of them were already beginning to cry. Severus's expression was blank, as usual. Albus was surprised that he even came.. he knew how hard he had been taking the events of the past few days.

“Lennocelia.. Lennox as most of you called her... one of the most powerful witches of our time. Her powers were most legendary. All of you are probably thinking that the powers I'm speaking of.. was her ability to control all of earth's elements... and although that was one of her many talents.. it actually isn't what I'm talking about...” he kept his eulogy going, gaining confused faces from those all around the Great Hall. He smiled.

“Although being incredibly powerful magical-wise.. she had many other powers besides just conjuring. Being a great leader... Practically being a genius- so intelligent that I had already congratulated her with the title of Head Girl only twenty-four hours before her death...” he looked at the other professors, who were all nodding in agreement.

“Compassion.. loving others.. being supportive... those things count a lot more than how powerful her magic may have been- even though we all know that it was certainly more powerful than any of us have ever seen...” he looked at the Kingsleigh family. They were holding hands and embracing eachother.

“The ministry of magic doesn't want me to tell you this.. but Lennocelia Kingsleigh was murdered.. by none other than Lord Voldemort.” this caught the attention of everyone who's faces suddenly grew into that of concern instead of sadness. There was very quiet chatter amongst them, everyone looking around questioningly.

“The cup was turned into a portkey without the authorization of the Hogwarts staff and the ministry. Voldemort wanted her to join him, because he knew that her powers on his opposing side would prove fatal to his plans.. so he gave her the choice. Join him.. or die. We all knew which path she chose. Lennox Kingsleigh cared so much about everyone in this room, that she chose to die because she did not want to join the dark side.” he continued. Skylar was now crying very audibly, and she buried her face into Max's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her. Dumbledore glanced at Madam Pomfrey and Minerva for half a second, pursing his lips, and returned his attention to the students.

“The sad truth of the matter is.. she's gone. There's nothing we can do to change that. But we cannot go on weeping for her. She wouldn't want that. She would want us to rejoice, knowing that she made the right decision and that she is in a better place.” he ended. It wasn't long after, everyone exited the hall and began to pack their things. All finals and such had been cancelled due to the events of the tournament, and nobody spoke a word to eachother as they put their belongings into their suitcases. Liam stood in the common room with Max. The two looked at eachother with knowing looks.

“You'll be at my place when I get back?” he questioned. Max nodded, and looked at his family- who were all walking into the common room. Liam placed a hand on Max's shoulder, and left the common room to walk down the hallway into the potions room. He knocked on Snape's office door, which was open. Snape glanced up at Liam.

“Ready, Mister Gordon?” he questioned. Liam nodded.

“To the ministry?”

“To the ministry.” 

A/N: WELL. Sorry it's so short, it IS an epilogue :P I'm so happy that all of you have stuck with my story and have given me such positive feedback! The big news... THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL! I know, I know.. applause :D it won't be posted for awhile, because I have other stories to catch up on.. but at least there will be one! I have everything all planned out.. Thank you again for reading, I love you all.. all of my fans, I don't know what I would do without you! Stay awesome, and keep reading! I love you all :) 

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