Chapter 1: Social Butterfly

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*Audrey's P.O.V*

I'm finally done with college! All I need to do is pack my bags, check out for good, and get the hell out of here! I haven't been to my hometown Omaha since Christmas Break, and that was with Taylor. He was nice to give me a necklace, that fits perfectly. He would always get me a necklace but it ends up being a choker.

I'm done packing, time to go check out! I check my phone and look at the time, which is exactly 1:00 P.M. I go down to the main floor, ready to face the grumpy receptionist lady. I go up to the counter and she turns to me with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Yes?" She asks.

"I'm ready to check out!" I give her my student ID and room key.

"Oh joy."

"Audrey Sanchez-Young?"


She slam her fingers on the keyboard, typing away.

"There you go, congratulations on earning your degree, we hope to see you on Tuesday for the graduation!"

"Thank you! Bye bye now."

I leave the building and kept an eye out for Taylor's car. I pull out my phone and text him.

Audrey: Are you here yet?

He replies!

Taylor: Yes, I've been here for 10 minutes girl I'm already late to a meetup from my calculations

Audrey: I'm sorry! What building are you at?

Taylor: Building 6

Audrey: Taylor... Fine, I gotta run

Taylor: Lol

I run and run until I get close to building 6. Building 11, building 9, no. Thank god I only have a suitcase and a bag that I can carry on my shoulders. I see Taylor with his head out of the window talking to some girls.

I tap on the window on the passenger's side and he jumps. He rolls down the window.

"Hey Audrey!"

"Hey! Can you open the trunk?"


He presses the button and the trunk goes 'Hey wassup see ya later!'. I toss my stuff in the trunk and close it. I hop in.

"Finally." He says.

"Oh, shut up!"

Two hours later and we're at his house. Not even a minute inside and I find him on the couch. I set my suitcases in my 'rental room' and walk back out to the living room.

"I thought you were late." I say.

"Yeah I am, to be early."


"Hey, you still got that helmet?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you maayybe want to go to the meetup?" He asks.

"Hell yeah! What do you do in the meetup?"

"We all just go on our motorcycles, find an empty parking lot to practice wheelies and some other things."

"Wow, do you know how to wheelie?" I ask.

"Of course!"

"Alright, we got Taylor all up in here" Taylor laughs.

He gets a call and answers it.

"Hello? Yeah, okay, I'm almost there. Well I had to stop because you were calling me! Bye."

I just laugh in the awkwardness.

"Aud, we gotta get there now, they're out getting gas and I told them I was already there."


I grab my helmet and strap in on. I'm surprised it still fit me. I have been wanting to ride on a motorcycle since I was 12.

We go outside and I hop on the bike after him. We talk through the Senas that he hooked up for me.

"Is there anyone that I know?" I ask.

"Probably not, but I can list names."


"Okay, let's see. There's me, you, Collin, Will, Lucia and Keith."

I flinched at the name Will, I'm hoping it's the one from high school.

"Oh cool." I say.

We get to the meetup and there's only one Grom. But I really hope it's Will Patterson and Keith 'Withering' from high school.

"Collin!" He screams, making me flinch.

"Have you seen Will or Keith?" Collin asks.

"No, but they're out getting gas." Taylor says.


"Ooh, Jar Jar, who did you pick up?" Collin asks as I laugh.

"That's Audrey, my best friend." I smile.

We both wave at each other. I felt noticed.

"They call you that?" I ask through the Sena.

"Yeah." Taylor replies.

"I'm going to try something different. Switch me spots real quick." Taylor says as he gets off and I slide up.

He gets behind me and makes a really annoying noise, that sounded like moaning.

"Sorry." He apologizes.

He gives Collin his phone.

"Do a Snapchat vid for me." Taylor says.

"Okay." Collin says.

"Hang tight Audrey!" I quickly obey since I don't know what's about to fucking happen.

Taylor pops a freaking wheelie. I scream in excite and with a mix of nervous.

A few seconds later, he sets and down and we're both back on two wheels.

"Scared?" He asks.

"A little." I say while he laughs.

He drives over to Collin for us to see the Snapchat he recorded. Instead of a cool wheelie from a spectator's point of view, it was Collin recording himself. I laugh a lot.

"Ah, fuck you!" Taylor says.

I hop off the bike as I heard other motorcycles coming closer. They stopped in front of us. One was white, another one was black, and the last one was green. They all had the same bike as Taylor and Collin. The guy with the white Grom comes closer and greets us.

"What do we have here, Jar Jar?" He asks.

"She's my friend."

He backs up a little to face me.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Will."

"Audrey." Will flinches a bit from I guess flashbacks, or maybe just thoughts.

*few minutes later*

Collin and Will both decided for all of us to get food at Pizza Hut. I'm just waiting for them to take their helmets off so they can reveal their beautiful faces. I'm guessing Keith came back with 2 boxes of pizza. Most of us took our helmets off, grabbed a plate and dug in. I look at the guy with the black and green helmet.

Wait a minute, that's Keith from high school! This is going to be sooo awkward. How does Taylor know them? We went to different high schools!

I take a seat on the rusty bench, just finishing my pizza when the last member sat by me.

"Hey girl." She says.


"I hope that we could be friends."


"Yay! My name is Lucia."

"Cute name! My name is Audrey."

"Awe, thanks. Your name is cute too!"


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