Google It

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"Who's the one drunk now?!" Audrey yells and helps Will up.

"Leave me alone!" Will jokes.

"Never!" Audrey yells.


Will takes the trash out. Once he gets to the garbage bin outside, he lifts it up puts puts it inside the bin. He noticed something, a pregnancy test. It said positive on it.

Many things were running through his mind, but he was mostly thinking, why wouldn't she tell him?

This is a big thing for Will. He doesn't even know if he's responsible to be a parent yet. Too many things is happening in just the start of the new year.

He threw the garbage bag in the bin and went in the house to wash his hands. He sees Audrey asleep on the couch.

He decided to give Keith a call about the situation. After all, Keith is Will's best friend.

"Hello?" Keith answers the phone.

"Hey, it's Will. Umm, I'm gonna need to talk to you. Can I come over?"

"Sure, dude."

Will hangs up the phone and rushed over there. It was like a lightning bolt. Keith answered the door and they went into the dining room where Lucia went shopping, once again.

"So, what's up?" Keith asks.

"How can I explain this, hmm. Audrey's pregnant and she kept it a secret from me." Will says.

Keith spits out his drink, "Wait, what?"


"No, what did you say?" Keith asks again.

"Audrey's pregnant and she kept it a secret." Will says.

"What? How did you find out?"

"In the trash bag, this morning."

"If anything helps, I heard Lucia and Audrey come in a couple weeks ago and Audrey did a test and she said the results are negative." Keith says.

"Could it change from negative to positive?" Will raises an eyebrow.

"Google it." Keith says triggering Will to shake his head at him.

"It works!" Keith says afterwards.

Will gave it a shot, he went on safari and typed the question in.

"No! Go on private mode!" Keith yells.

Will does so and it says that they do change overnight.

"Ohh!" Keith yells, "You should tell her. She's the one carrying your baby."

"I know." Will says.

"I came over here just so you can say 'Google it'. Nice one, Keith."

"Shut up," Keith says.

"Go home."

"You go home." Will says.

"I am home." Keith smiles.

"I know." Will admits defeat.

"Bye bro."

"Talk to her!" Keith said before Will closed the door and went home.

Audrey was still asleep on the couch. Will's heartbeat got faster and faster by the minute he was getting closer to their house. He paced around the house thinking of how he should put it.

"Maybe I should- no."

He practiced having a conversation with himself.

"Audrey, you're pregnant- no, too stupid. Get it together Will!" He says fixing his hair.

He found the right words right as Audrey began waking up. Will spotted her and went over to her.

"Hey, I need to talk to you again." Will said.

"Let me get freshened up first, okay?" Audrey says. Will nods and Audrey goes in the bathroom.

Soon she threw up, in the toilet, from morning sickness.

"Shit." She mutters under her breath.

"Honey, you okay?" Will asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Probably ate  too much." Audrey denies it.

Though, it did feel like the most terrible hangover, she threw up again. She cleaned herself and then hopped in the shower. In the meantime, Will was worried that Audrey has to go through nine more months of this.

He found himself pacing around again until he heard the shower turn off. Then the bathroom door opened. He felt guilty being the first one to know other than Audrey herself.

"Good morning Will." She says kissing him on the cheek.

"Good morning Audrey."

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?" Audrey asks.

"You might wanna get comfortable."

Audrey gets confused but shook it off and sits on the couch.

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