It's Time For a Change...(pt.2)

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Keith looks at Will and smiles. Then they both say, "Get a Grom!"

I shake my head and back down at my phone. The video starts buffering.

"Damn it." I say looking up at the mirror and see Will making a weird face.

I slightly laugh.

"We're here anyways." Keith says pulling in the parking lot.

We get out of the car and walk in the store. Will goes toward the carts while  Keith and I get a head start on looking around.

We walk around the store, looking at some creepy Halloween items to scare off little children.

"Look at this, guys." Will says pointing at this creepy ass grandma.

She had an LED light placed in her left eye. The toy says something but I don't quite get it.

"Thanks Will," I say.

"For what?" Will replies.

"For my nightmares." I say.

"Oh, you're welcome." He says, smirking.

We come across another Halloween toy, this time, it was three clowns swinging on swings.

I am deeply terrified of clowns, so I hide behind Keith.

"Why don't we get out of this aisle?" Keith says.

"Wait, I need quality content." Will says.

"You choose content over your friends?" I say with a laugh.

"No, it will be a minute." Will says.

"Okay..." I say sort of trusting him.

We finally go to another aisle, one with fewer killer clowns. I look at some stuff that I can't afford.

We go to another aisle, and I see Keith go run over to the popcorn, and Will goes over there with his camera.

"Bro, Keith, come on. You gotta focus." Will says laughing.

"Do you want some?" Keith says with a large smile.

"I might, but come on, focus man!" Will replies.

They walk back over to where I was, but I was zoned out following them.

What broke my daydream was Will attempting to get in the cart without noise. He sets his camera up and Keith pushes him so that he's in the shot.

"Alright guys, we made it to Mangelsen's. We're gonna see what we can find and then we'll keep going." Will says as Keith pushes the cart out of the shot.

I randomly walk in the shot and spin in circles in my dumb self.

*time skip; checkout*

"You guys found what you needed today?" The cashier says with a smile.

"Yes, we did." Will says.

I put the stuff on the counter as she rings it up. (I'm just going to say a random number)

"That'll be $17.48 today, sir." She says.


He pulls out his credit card and pays for it as she puts the stuff in a bag.

"There's that, and your receipt, you guys have a nice day!" The cashier says handing him the bag.

"You too!" All three of us say.

I go and put the cart up and head out the store. Keith is nice enough to hold the door for us.

"Thanks." I say.

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