Special Girl

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We start to pull off from the gas station and Keith comes up next to us and kill switches Will.

"Fuck you Keith," Will says.

As we stop at another red light, some kids pulled up to us.

"Gromie Bear!" They say.

Will turns around to see them and kindly greets them. I wave back also.

That Fooligan guy stops next to us and eyes the bear down.

"I didn't notice your costume, I'm sorry." He says to Will.

"It's okay, I go unnoticed from time to time." Will says laughing.

I heard Keith do his weird ass laugh which makes the rest of us laugh.

"Guys, I just farted." Taylor says.

"Eww," all of us say.

"I smelt it!" Collin adds.

"Was that necessary to announce?" I ask turning back to him.

"Yeah." He says while nodding.

"Audrey, wanna have a girls night?" Lucia asks.

Wow, I've never had a girls night, but I guess every year you do something new. I gladly accepted and instantly got.. you'll see.

"Awee we're gonna talk about boys and how stinky they are!" Keith says half impersonating me and the other half is a little diva.

"Hey!" Will exclaims.

"Yeah, Keith is a diva for sure." Collin says.

"What?" Keith says.

"Wanna fite?" Collin asks.

"Yeah." Taylor says taking Keith's place.

"After the ride then." Collin says.

"Too chicken to fight right here?" Keith asks.

"Well- uh-" Collin stammered.

Everyone started making chicken noises, except Lucia, Collin, and I. We were just confused at what just happened.

"Collin, wherever you are, it's okay. I'm here for you." I say.

"Hey!" Will shouts.

"Ha!" Taylor laughs.

"Thanks." Collin says.


"Let me do my outro," Will says.

We, as in Taylor, Will, Lucia, Collin, Keith, and I departed from the group as it was getting dark. Will clears his throat and then begins.

"So unfortunately, we are going to have to end the video here as it's getting dark. So if you like this video, click the like button and if you want to see more from me, click that subscribe button, join the most lit squad on YouTube, and as always, I'll see you guys in the next video." He says.

"Peace!" We all say.

"Well I'd better get going, I had a nice time with you guys." Collin says.

"Bye Collin!" I say hugging him.

"Awe, see you later Audrey!" He says before saying bye to everyone else.

He departs and I get behind Taylor.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, and Lucia tonight." I say.

"See ya." Keith says giving me a side hug.

"Bye special girl." Will says planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Awe." Lucia says.

"Do I get one?" Taylor jokes.

Will leans in like he was gonna kids him but backs out and lets us go.

I hug Lucia and get back behind Taylor. I wave to them until I can't see them anymore.

I sync up with Taylor.

"That was fun." I say.

"It was, we should meet up more often."


"Also, I didn't know you and Will were a thing!" He shouts.

"I kinda forgot." I say.

"It's fine, but how long?"

"For about a month now," I say.

"A month? How come I don't hear you talk about it with your girlfriends?" He says.

"Shut up Taylor, I don't have friends." I say.

"Yes you do."

"Nope." I deny.

"What about me, Collin, Lucia, and Keith? And Fooligan who you just met?"


"You don't need a lot of friends to make you happy." He comforts me.

"True," I say. "Thanks for that sentence."

"Jar Jar!" A kid in a car yells. Taylor puts up a hand and waves.

"Wow, I got noticed."

"Have you ever got noticed?" He asks.

"Not yet." I say.

"Just wait," he says aggressively tapping my leg. I punch him in the shoulder.


We finally got home. I went in, kicked my shoes off, went in my room, and just laid there on my bed.

Lucia texts me, I'll pick you up at 9. Dress comfortably.

It was about seven.

I reply with an okay and scroll through Instagram. I found a picture from Will with a picture of all of us. I liked it and put my phone down.

"Audrey!" Taylor yells.

"Yes?" I yell back.


Wow.. I chuckle.

"Hello!" I say.

As of that moment, my phone starts buzzing. I look at it and see a FaceTime request from Will. I answer it and he's chilling on the couch. I put it on my ear and say hello

"All I can see is your ear, Audrey." He says while laughing.

I take it off my ear and laugh at myself.

"I keep on forgetting, sorry." I say.

"It's okay," he says. "I missed you."

"Will, it's been ten minutes."

"I know."

"You're so cute." I say.

"Not as cute as you." He says. I smile.

"Cut the bullshit and just marry each other already!" I hear Taylor yell. He made Will and I turn red. Will lets out a little chuckle.

"Is that Taylor?" He asks.

"Yeah, he's being nosy." I say.

"Isn't that the normal thing Taylor does?"

I nod my head and he laughs.

"Hey!" Taylor says.

I turn over so I'm laying on my stomach and prop my phone against the headboard. I may my chin on a pillow.

We had a deep conversation for some reason, I finally looked at the time and it was 8:15.

"Can we ride on the trails tomorrow?" I ask.

"If you want." He says.

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