The Pizza Rolls

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Instead of just standing there watching him, I decide to go back in my room and think of something to do. I get on my phone and see a notification; a message from my step sister. I tap on it.

Samantha: Are you coming to the graduation?

I reply.

Me: Yeah.

Samantha: Yay!

Me: Wanna call?

Samantha: Sure.

I start a video call and she joins.

"Hey!" I say.

"Hii. Where are you at? That is not your dorm." She asks.

"I'm at Taylor's house, I finally moved out of my dorm."

"Taylor Woodson? Oh lord." She says as I laugh.

"Yeah, him."

"I haven't seen him in a while, how is he?"

"He's good, he's the same from 8th grade."

"Are you two dating?" She asks.

"No, ew."

"You know Mom thought you two were dating after the second time you kissed."

"Seriously?" I say.

"Yeah, I remember she was talking to Kristy and I heard her saying she was scared because you two kissed each other and she thought y'all were dating."

"Oh, wow." I say.

"Remember Keith and Will?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"I met up with them yesterday, it's crazy."

"Oh my gosh, I miss them so much. You would always bring them home and take them to the park to leave me home alone, thank you by the way."

"You're welcome!" I say laughing.

"What are you doing right now?"

"Just trying to plan out my schedule for today. What are you doing?"

"About to make some Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies."

"Where did you get that idea?" I ask.

"From a YouTube video." answered Sam.

"From who?" I ask.

"Our World Away."

"Oh my gosh, you watch them?"

"Hell yeah, Jeydon is my favorite." She says.

"Kyle's my favorite." I say.

*30 minutes later*

"They're done!!" Sam says.


I watch her take the pan out of the oven and just let them cool off.

"I made them huge like Jeydon did." She says.

"I'm just glad you didn't catch the house on fire."

"Me too."

I hear the shower turn off, I didn't realize Taylor was even showering.

I look at my bright flashing alarm clock which reads 7:00 AM. I then look outside at the dark sky.

"Whatcha looking at?" She asks.

"Nothing, just...nothing." I answer.

"You ok?"

"Yeah." I say.

"I have to pretend to be Taylor's girlfriend for today."

"Oh really? Seems like he likes you."

"I know, right? But I don't really know, it will be awkward. Besides, I like Will."

"You serious?" She says shocked.

"Yeah, ever since high school, but I just met up with him yesterday." I explain.

"Oh, wow, that's really awesome."

"Wish you were here."

"Yeah, me too. I've been getting shit from Lincoln." She exhales.

"Oh, you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"Not really, too early to be discussing something like that."

"True. To make things better, taste your cookies!" I exclaim.


She blows on them a little bit and then takes a bite.

"Mmm. That's good!" I smile.

"Wait, it's Saturday, think you can come?" I ask.

"I can arrange some plans around to come see my big sister." She says.

"Awe." I say.

"I'll let you know when I sort out this damn day."


"Talk to you later." She says.

"Alright, see ya."

"Bye." She ends the call and I'm back to being bored again.

I felt something touch my arm and I quickly slap my arm. I look over and it's nothing.

"Damn wind." I grunt.

I get up and go back to the kitchen, my favorite place and look in the freezer. It was fate that I found pizza rolls in there. I take them out, along with a oven pan. I set the oven to 425°F and I put a piece of the foil onto it covering it.

I lay about 12 pizza rolls and keep them distance apart. Now I put them in the oven and wait 15 minutes.

"Aghhh shit!" He exclaims.

"What?" I ask.

"My fucking ear buds broke." He throws them down.

"You can have mines, I have a lot anyways." I say.

"Where are they at?" He asks.

"Should be on the nightstand."

"Thanks, babe."

'Oh lord.' I say in my head.

He gives me a kiss on my cheek. I give him one back so it won't be as awkward.

"Haha." He laughs.

"Who were you talking to?" He asks.

"Samantha, if you remember her."

"Oh yeah, I remember."

The alarm on my phone goes off meaning that the pizza rolls are ready. I grab an oven mitt, open the oven and carefully take them out to set them on top of the stove. I turn the oven off.

"Nice! Can I have some?" I laugh hard.

"Why every time I ask something you laugh?" He asks.

"It's just that you make a random comment out of nowhere." He chuckles a bit.

"Can I still have some?"

"Yes, just wait for them to cool off first."

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