Chapter 1: Fiancee

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  Sun filtered in through the window and onto Ian's face, warming and waking him up pleasantly. Scrunching up his face, the red head slowly woke, opening bleary eyes he took in the sleeping form in front of him- the other man's face close to his own on the pillow. Mickey looked so peaceful and beautiful like that, asleep with the sun filtering in and highlighting his features in the best way. There he was, so close and in bed with Ian who got to wake up beside him every morning and every morning that he did he felt like his heart would explode with happiness. That man was all his, his fiancee, a man that had asked Ian to spend the rest of his life with him despite everything. 

  Placing a soft kiss on his future husband's forehead, Ian reluctantly slipped out of the warmth of the bed. He needed to go for his run before coming back in time for Yev to wake up, the kid was six months old now and you could time him waking up in the morning to the second. It had fallen to Ian to get him up because of the schedule that he had fallen into- it was just something that helped with the bipolar. 

  Mickey had told him that he didn't need to run every day, that if he did put on a little bit of weight because of the medicine it was fine. That conversation had come about when he'd asked Ian about the religious exercise and the red head had told him about that side effect of his meds. Although Mickey said that, a part of him that still felt like he had to really work for their relationship disagreed. Plus he still worked in the Fairy Tale, although more frequently as a bartender than dancer now, and needed to keep in shape. Though that was still second to Mickey's attraction...

  He pulled on his trainers and left the house, picking up speed as he made his way down the empty six am streets. It was quiet and empty and still, perfect to help Ian loose himself in his mind. Boy he overthought things a lot, he knew he did, Mickey and Lip both told him that all the time. He really couldn't help it with his and Mickey's relationship though. 

  Mickey had asked to marry him after his family had confronted him about his meds almost two months ago, it had been the best moment of his life. Svetlana and him were divorced for almost a month now and yet since that night they hadn't actually brought up the fact that they were technically engaged. Ian still hung onto the fact that Mickey still wanted him around even after his family came in and Lip and Fiona dumped all over their relationship and Ian's disease. 

  The fact that Mickey hadn't mentioned it since didn't bother Ian as much as he thought it would. It wasn't like Mickey was any less affectionate than he had been before the proposal, in fact he was probably more so, but Ian found that he wanted to do things to make sure that Mickey stayed like that. That included staying in shape. He had never in a million years thought that Mickey would want to marry him so he wasn't going to push it now, he was more than happy with the little family that they had made for themselves right now. 

  About half way through his run, Ian was finally able to clear his mind and spend the last part focusing on pushing his body until the front and back of his t-shirt was soaking in sweat by the time that he reached the front door of the Milkovich house. Thinking about it, Ian suddenly wondered what their names would be when the got married. Would they double barrel? No... Ian thought about it and about being a Milkovich. Ian Milkovich. That sounded good, right, like he was really part of Mickey's family. He looked after Yevgeny Milkovich and loved him like he was his son- not that he would tell anyone that because he didn't want anyone to freak- and he had been Mandy Milkovich's best friend for years even though she was gone now they still loved each other. Now he had Mickey too and they would be husbands. But would Mickey want Ian to take his name? 

  Entering he walked through his and Mickey's room, glancing fondly at his sleeping still fiancee, before getting in the shower. Showering after a run was always good, washing off the sweat and grime ready for the day. Getting out and dressing quietly, he bent over the bed and ran a gentle hand through Mickey's dark hair before pressing a kiss to his forehead. At the pressure Mickey scrunched up his nose and forehead, mumbling and burying himself further into the pillow in his sleep. He had that same reaction nine times out of ten which is why Ian did the same thing every day. 

  It was coming up to half seven by that point, time to get the baby up. He had to be at the hospital for eleven so he a good couple of hours with the boy before he had to go and maybe an hour or so before Svetlana and Mickey woke. Them time were Ian could be as cuddly and loving towards the boy as he wanted, something that he tuned down in front of Mickey.

  Slipping silently into Lana's room, Ian went and picked up the sleepy baby before he could wake and scream. Grabbing his clothes, he then left the room closing the door carefully behind him. The boy in his arms woke slowly in his arms, tiny finger's clutching at Ian's shirt and gummy smile forming as he looked up at him.

  Cooing at the baby, Ian set him on the table and changed his nappy before dressing him, all the while telling him what a beautiful boy he was and how much he loved him. It was strange really because as the boy grew he looked more and more like his father and yet he looked just like a typical child of California despite having one Ukrainian parent and one Russian. Genetics were strange things.

  It was as he was warming Yev's breakfast when he suddenly felt the need to capture this. So as the microwave buzzed he picked the baby up and sat him on his lap, picking up his phone and kissing Yev's cheek to make him giggle as he snapped a picture of the two of them. It was a lovely one and he gently squeezed the boy in his arms before placing another kiss in the soft blond hair.

  "You're so sweet Yevy. You know what, everyone needs to see how cute you are," Ian spoke, quickly finding the picture and posting it for the world to see captioned "Sweet little man". 

  He grabbed himself a breakfast bar and quickly downed his pills and ate it before sitting Yev his his high chair and starting to spoon feed him his baby food. Making aeroplane noises and funny faces to make his favourite baby giggle he fed the boy. That was how he was when Mickey walked in. The ex-con smiled at Ian and walked over, bending slightly to kiss him before ruffling Yev's hair.

  "How are my two favourite boys?" he asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Although Ian didn't really drink coffee anymore because of the caffeine he always made a pot for Mickey and Lana.

  "Good. You slept well last night, so cute this morning," Ian teased, reveling as always in the domesticity of the situation.

  "Hey so I want to talk to you," Mickey said, suddenly serious as he sat down opposite Ian.

  "Yeah," Ian encouraged, glancing over at his fiancee for a moment before going back to the baby.

  "Um yeah. It's been two months and me and Lana have been divorced over a month but we haven't actually talked about any of this wedding shit... so um yeah. I mean your family haven't made any comments so I assume they're on board and all so we um... it'd be nice to just hurry up and make this official you know," Mickey stuttered, rubbing a nervous hand over his brow.

  "I wow yeah. Being husbands  that's so cool. Also my family haven't... I haven't actually told my family," Ian said looking up at Mickey nervously. Pleased that Mickey was bringing this up but surprised that he assumed Ian had told the Gallaghers... he wanted Ian to tell them. Of course he did.

  "Why the fuck didn't you tell them? You ashamed?" Mickey asked incredulously.

  Ian could feel his eyebrows shoot up as he looked over at the love of his life in horror. Ashamed of Mickey? Hell no. Never.

  "Why the hell would I... ashamed! No Mickey never I promise! I just... I never, I didn't know what you wanted to do. We didn't talk about it so I didn't think you'd want me to make a big deal about it," Ian got out.

  After a long moment of silence where Mickey just watched him he finally spoke, " Well is this a big deal to you?"

  "A big deal? Hell yes it it," Ian answered straight away, "You asked me to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm nineteen and I've got the love of my life asking to marry me. It's the biggest deal to me Mickey. I never even imagined... hell when you first asked me to move in I was convinced that I was being optimistic when I packed a weeks worth of clothes and now look at us. I am... fuck I'm just so happy Mick."

  "You're such a sap. Love ya though. I want you with me forever, you're the love of my life too or whatever gay shit you just spouted," Mickey smiled, getting up and going over to kiss Ian deeply.

  Ian sighed into the kiss, gripping Mickey's hip as the man balanced on the edge of the table. The two got lost in each other for a moment before Yev started babbling and they were pulled back to the real world. 

  "Sorry buddy. Breakfast got it," Ian apologies with fake sincerity to the baby.

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