Chapter 2: Ian Milkovich

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  The same night that they had their little marriage talk over breakfast was when they found a place and date. They had sat down after setting Yev in for the night- Svetlana left as soon as they got back- and got out their second hand laptop. After about half hour of searching they found a little registry office and set a date for two months from then. It was little and cheap but it didn't matter because they were just interested in the paper that would make them legally family in the eyes of the state of Illinois. 

  They were sat there, snuggled into each other afterwards watching some crappy movie on the TV that they weren't really paying attention to as they began to fall asleep. Ian was semi dozing with his head on Mickey's shoulder and arms wrapped around each other when he came to a realisation that made him chuckle.

  "What?" Mickey asked sleepily without opening his eyes.

  "Just put the kid to bed, planned our wedding and are falling asleep on the couch with a shitty movie playing in the background at nine at night. I'm only eighteen, you're only twenty but we're already acting like a middle aged couple," Ian explained into Mickey's neck.

  "Shit so we are," Mickey huffed a laugh.

  There was a long moment where neither said anything but just continued to doze before Mickey shifted about and gently pushed Ian away. The red head groaned sleepily which made Mickey laugh.

  "We're going to bed now like a proper middle aged couple," Mickey said, getting up and pulling Ian with him.

  The pair stripped and slid under the covers, relaxing into the mattress straight off. Sighing contentedly, Ian pulled his fiancee to him so that the shorter man's back was pressed to his chest. Mickey wound his fingers in between Ian's where his hand was resting over his chest. The ex-con rubbed his thumb over Ian's left ring finger where a ring would be sat in two months time showing the world their commitment to each other forever.

  "Two months and I can call you my husband," Mickey whispered.

  Smiling at that thought, Ian kissed the back of Mickey's neck. Husband. He was going to be able to go around and introduce his beautiful man as his husband. Hi I'm Ian, this is my husband Mickey. Yes, that sounded good.

  "Hey Mick," Ian muttered softly into the short hair at the base of the man's skull.


  "What were you thinking our names are gonna be?"

  "Names?" Mickey asked.

  "Yeah like surnames. Cause we're both dudes and all. Do you know what you want?" Ian asked.

  "Haven't thought about it," Mickey replied, "What about you? What do you want?"

  "I was um... was wondering if you'd mind if I became a Milkovich," Ian whispered shyly into Mickey's skin.

  "Milkovich? Not like Gallagher-Milkovich or Milkovich-Gallagher or anythin'?" Mickey turned around in his arms and frowned.

  "Um I mean I don't mind whatever. Just gonna marry you," Ian replied, embarrassed. He buried his head into Mickey's chest so that he didn't have to look at him.

  "No Ian, fuck Ian look at me," Mickey said, using a hand to hook under Ian's chin and pull his face up. "Why'd you want to ditch the name Gallagher."

  "You know... you guys you... except me more I guess. I mean I owe everything to Fiona but now with the bipolar and everything I just- she doesn't ever look at me like I'm me anymore. When we were younger Mandy was my best friend ever. Before it had always been Lip but Mandy I could talk to without being judged or laughed at. Then there was you and I fell in love with you years ago, so fast it was stupid. And it was you that found out about my disease and excepted and helped me and supported me and you were the one that found out and never once looked at me like I wasn't Ian. And there's Yev and I- I know he's nothing to do with me but I love him," Ian rambled, looking right at Mickey so that he knew just how much Ian meant all that.

  "The fuck you mean Yev's nothin' to do with you huh?" Mickey asked with his eyebrows raised.

  "Well he's yours and Lana's Mick," Ian pointed out.

  "Don't be so fucking stupid, you were there for the kid before I was. Loved him before I was able, and I know you understand that and that means a lot but fuck Ian Yev's as much your kid as he is Svet's and mine. Even that bitch says that, telling me what a good dad you are to him," Mickey told him. 

  "Really?" Ian asked quietly after a moment. He had been trying to not show how much he loved that kid, never thought that he was anything to him no matter how much he wished he was.

  "Yeah really fuckhead God you can be dense," Mickey laughed running a hand through Ian's hair and down his neck to stroke a thumb along the top of his spine.

  "You see that Mick. I'm more a Milkovich these days than a Gallagher. I feel me comfortable and at home with you guys than them. So um... if it's okay please can I have your name?" 

  "If it's okay? Fuck Ian course. This is gonna sound really gay and shit so such your face but the fact that you want to be a Milkovich... that we mean that much it means the world to me okay," Mickey replied softly.

  "Yeah that is gay Mick. God my sappy shit has rubbed off on you," Ian teased with a smile which earned him a light smack around the back of his head.

  "I said shut it Gallagher," Mickey laughed before kissing Ian full on the mouth.

  "Can't call me that for much longer," Ian said as soon as they pulled back, so proud that he could say that.

  "Yeah man... Ian Milkovich. Sounds good. Now go to sleep your giant sap," Mickey smiled, planting one last kiss to Ian's forehead before pulling him close.

  Once more, Ian buried his head into Mickey's chest, breathing in the smell of his future husband. Two months and he would have a ring and the name Ian Milkovich. Now all he had to do was tell his family. That would be fun for sure.

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