Chapter 4: Delayed

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  Mickey was sat at the table away from his son while he smoked, cause smoke was bad for babies and all. He was watching the boy though as he played with his toys, a bunch of painted wooden blocks that one or the other of siblings had played with as babies. Didn't matter to the kid that the things were chewed and the painting chipped as in that moment they were the most exciting fucking things in he world. It was cute really.

   He remembered when he'd first seen the kid, his son- and that was still weird to think cause the world had made him a fucking dad- and he hadn't been able to look at him. He'd had Svetlana as his wife and the bloody kid... he genuinely didn't know what he would have done if it wasn't for Ian. Even then his boyfriend had been a broken, insecure shadow of who he had been before everything as he struggled with the mental disease that had torn his family apart. That day when Yevgeny came home Ian had turned around and comforted him, he had held him and told him that he understood and it was in that moment that Mickey knew that he would never love anyone like he loved his stupid ginger.

  To think that that had only been a couple of months ago and now look at where he was. He had divorced Svetlana and even then he no longer thought of her as 'that bitch' having grown fond of her in their marriage. In fact they had all gotten closer, the three of them, and their unconventional little family worked. He was now engaged to Gallagher- something that he never thought that he would have wanted before- and they were going to be husbands in less than a month now. Even though he didn't have the blessing of his fiancee's family he couldn't give a shit, they weren't understanding of anything to do with his Gallagher's life anymore.

  Then there was that night where Ian had asked to be a Milkovich. As gay as he felt he would probably put that down as one of the best moments of his life. Ian and Mickey Milkovich. He couldn't wait until that was a legal reality.   

  At that moment Mickey was pulled from his happy revelry as said red head entered. The ex-con looked up with a smile at his future husband, one that quickly dropped when he saw Ian's face. The man was looking sad and awkward, fidgeting with his hands in a way that Mickey hadn't seen since they first started hooking up again after he and Svetlana had gotten married.

  "What's wrong Ian?" Mickey asked, standing and stubbing out his cigarette before stepping over to his fiancee.

  "I um..." Ian started but trailed off, burying his face in Mickey's neck as he gripped the front of his shirt.

  "Seriously man what's going on?" Mickey pressed.

  He watched closely as the other man pulled back enough to look at him, expression sad like a kicked dog. Ian sighed and rubbed a hand over his face before finally telling him what was bothering him.

  "I found out that my final exam for EMT is on the same day as our wedding. I'll have to wait another six months before I sit it. Guess I was just... just wanted to leave the club you know," Ian told him dejectedly.

  "Seriously? Of all the fucking days," Mickey huffed, "Wait you're not taking it this time round?"

   "No. Wedding's kind of more important isn't it," Ian replied.

  "Not really," Mickey told him. Wedding date could be moved easily, all they had to do was book another date- wasn't like they were having anything extravagant. It was just a registry office after all.

  Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say though because Ian's face fell before he hid it behind that stupid mask that he always put on to hide things from Mickey. He just nodded and then Mickey realised that he should probably have explained himself more.

  "I mean we can just move the date can't we. Just cancel and then re-book the office right?" Mickey reassured.

  "Oh... oh right. Okay, yeah that's..." Ian stumbled over his words looking obviously relieved.

  "I fucking asked you to marry me for a reason you dork. This wedding is important to me, so important  but we can move it about. This exam will get you this amazing job where you will save people everyday and it will get you out of the club that we both hate. So sit the exam, we may well be able to get the office for the day after. Hell I think you've had enough fucking practice in patience with me over the years. This wedding's happening at some point alright," Mickey reassured, cupping Ian's face in his hands before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

  "Love you," Ian murmured into his lips.

  "Love you too tough guy," he smiled back. He used to be so afraid of those words but now he almost needed to hear them from Ian and saying those words to Ian always made the red head's face light up in the most perfect way.

  "I love everything about you. You're my everything and I would love nothing more than to show you just how much right now," Ian crooned, leaning forward so that his lips brushed over the shell of Mickey's ear making him shiver involuntarily. 

  "You do Firecrotch?" Mickey smirked as Ian's lips trailed down his neck.

  Mickey gasped against the orange hair as Ian suddenly brought his hand down to palm Mickey through his jeans. He could only obey as his lover pushed him back into the kitchen away from Yevgeny before pushing him down in one of the chairs and pulling down his jeans and boxers.

 The ex-con watched hungrily as the red head knelt between his knees, green eyes never leaving his as the taller man pulled out his dick and took it in his mouth. He never could get enough of Ian's mouth, it was always so good, he was always so good. In general Ian was just good in bed, just another tick off the sheet as to why he was so goddamn unfairly perfect.

  Throwing his head back with a moan he wound his fingers into the ginger locks that Ian had grown out in the last year or so. Probably since he had given up on his army dream- the thought was bittersweet because it was something that Ian had had his heart set on but it falling through meant Mickey could keep him. Mickey could keep him and had that long hair that Mickey could tug on during really hot sex.

  Looking back down he groaned again feeling himself getting close. It was then that he glanced back over to the living room and saw his son playing on the floor still as he was getting blown in the next room... fuck!

  "Ian!" he cried, bucking up ans came.

  Grinning up at him, Ian put him away and pulled his hand out of his own jeans where he had apparently been jacking himself off.

  "We just did that in front of the kid," Mickey huffed breathless.

  "He's young enough not to remember. He'll walk in on us at one point or another when he's old enough to know what's going on and then we'll be able to traumatise him," Ian laughed.

  "God knows we both have that trauma. Got to pass it on," Mickey snorted.

  "Um... thank you for... for understanding," Ian said quietly, suddenly sober. He looked so innocent still knelt there looking unsure and Mickey wasn't sure whether to feel upset that Ian looked up at him like that or turned on- despite having just orgasmed. 

  "No problem Ian. We're gonna be married and all so gotta talk and all that shit I used to hate. Compromises and all that gay crap," Mickey said, smoothing a hand through Ian's hair. 

  "Used to hate?" Ian grinned.

  "Yeah you turned me into a fucking sap man," Mickey teased.

  "Yeah my fucking sap," the dork smirked before standing and kissing him softly just the way he thought he'd always hate but didn't.

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