Chapter 12: She's Fucking Gone

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  Ian stood up in the abandoned building at the window just watching the clouds. It was strange really, Mickey had asked him to come up here to meet him when he finished his shift. It had been two months since his last episode and now he was balanced on his meds with his job as an EMT restored after he marched back in and got the full support of his coworkers until his boss caved. It had been a month ago when he and Mickey had booked in their wedding once more and it was on that same day that Ian had gone back to the Gallagher house since Fiona had made Mickey break down.

  Debbie, Lip and Fiona had been the only ones home which had been kind of perfect because he wanted to confront Fiona, wanted to invite Debbie and hoped that Lip would want to go too. They had been shocked to see him, Debbie running straight over to hug him, Lip following soon after and clamping him on the back while Fiona hung back unsure. Certainly the glare that he sent her showed that she should stay away.

  "You are a fucking bitch and I want you to know now that I want nothing to do with you. You stopped being my sister, my guardian the moment that you found out that I was bipolar. You stopped seeing me, you saw Monica instead and you couldn't see past your set, stereotyping view to see that Mickey isn't his dad. I came here because we've got a new date and I wanted to invite Debbie and see if maybe Lip would want to come too," he had said, looking to the two younger siblings questioningly as he finished.

  "Oh yes Ian! Finally!" Debbie had squealed, clapping her hands together and diving at him to hug him tightly.

  "Yeah man, I'd like that," Lip smiled and nodded.

  "Oh great, a Milkovich getting the Gallagher name, another blot on us," Fiona had said after, face twisted into something a mix between sadness and anger.

  "No. Actually I'm gonna be a Milkovich," he had told her.

  That had gotten shocked faces, none of them had known what to say to that so he had quickly said goodbye and left again to go back to his wonderful Milkovich family. He hadn't cared then, and he still didn't, what they thought of his decision. The only one who would be able to tell him not to  become a Milkovich that he would listen to would be Mickey and Mickey wanted the same as him. It was pretty much set in stone.

  Now, little over a month later, he stood there in the building where the blankets and the course still lay and waited. He'd been there for about fifteen minutes and was on his second smoke when he saw Mickey approaching. The man looked up and saw him standing there, both waving to each other before Mickey's hands went back into his pockets and he continued on his way.

  Finally Mickey made his way up, striding confidently through the doorway and straight up to Ian. He looked... distressed. Miserable but angry at the same time before he was there and his face was buried in Ian's neck, arms wrapped around him. The Gallagher but soon to be Milkovich loved that his fiancee came to him more and more these days for affection when he was upset. Though he hated it when his fiancee was upset so it was a bittersweet feeling. 

  "Hey what's up?" Ian asked, rubbing at the base of Mickey's skull in the way he knew the other liked.

  "Ceiling," came the muffled reply.

  "Oh fuck off," Ian snorted, smacking Mickey playfully around the back of the head.

  It was then that Mickey pulled back and looked at him. He was biting at his lip and he rubbed his knuckles under his nose in that way of his. Cocking his head to the side, Ian took him in now really worried, wondering what the hell could have brought this on. He didn't suddenly think the whole getting married thing was a bad idea did he? No. No Ian was over that fear, Mickey had stomped that out with a mix of pure love, mind blowing sex and body worship.

  "What's wrong Mick? Why'd you want to meet here?" Ian asked.

  "Had to get away from the house for a bit. It's um... Svetlana you know she's been fucking off to who knows where recently well um... packed all her shit today. Left papers giving up her parental responsibilities and signing them over to you. She's fucking gone," Mickey got out.

  Ian couldn't help but just stare. What the fuck was he meant to say to that? Why the hell would Svet leave, leave Yev? She and Mickey may not be married anymore but she was still family, she was part of their little household. Now she was leaving. She had made Ian Yev's legal guardian and all. What... why?

  At that moment something shifted in Mickey and he turned and swung his fist viciously at the beam behind him. Swearing loudly he grasped the hand he'd just used and Ian jumped forward taking it carefully in his own hand, looking down to see it was definitely broken.

  "Stupid bitch. Stupid fucking whore. Worthless commie skank," Mickey spat through the pain.

  "Hey Mick it'll be okay. We can look after Yev ourselves. We'll be okay," Ian reassured.

  "Fuck Ian I know we can look after the kid," Mickey replied, looking up at him in anguish," I fucking know that okay and we'll be thousand times better at it than our dads. But she's fucking abandoning him Ian. She's leaving him so he has no mom. My mom died, that fucking hurt when she wasn't there anymore and I missed her and all but your mom left. Your mom is out there in the world elsewhere away from you not giving a shit. How the fuck does that make you feel huh? Can't imagine it's any good. Stupid selfish bitch just leaving him."

  "Shit Mickey. I didn't... oh hell," Ian breathed out, holding Mickey close as the man cradled his hand.

  "Yeah shit. Fucking bitch... never gonna forgive her for this," Mickey mumbled into Ian's neck.

  "No fucking way," Ian backed.


  Later when they had gotten back from the hospital they stopped by the Alibi where apparently Mickey had dropped Yev off with Kev. The bartender handed the baby over to the two men and they made their way back in silence, Ian holding Yev as he still had two functioning hands.   

  The streets were dark by then, only lit by the streetlamps and it kind of fit with the whole mood of things. Dark. But getting back home they flicked on the lights and saw their life, all of Yev's toys and little possessions of Mickey and Ian's dotted around. It was so much cleaner than it had been a year ago, a better place for Yev to grow up in. 

  "We'll love you enough Yev. You'll have the two of us, doesn't matter your mom ain't here," Ian said into Yev's temple although it was mainly for Mickey's benefit.

  Looking back over at Mickey it seemed that he was relieved by Ian's words although he still looked uncharacteristically vulnerable so he continued," we won't let him suffer for this Mick, I promise. Plenty of kids these days have just two dads."

  "Holy fuck. We're like a typical urban faggy couple now Firecrotch," Mickey snorted.

  "Hey yeah. Just remember that you're the one that's gonna be promising me eternal love and signing a legal document on it next week. That's pretty faggy Mick," Ian grinned.

  "Mickey and Ian Milkovich," Mickey grinned.

  "Hey no Ian and Mickey Milkovich," Ian teased back.

  "Aye fuck off, most important one comes first tough guy," Mickey smirked, jabbing Ian in the side making him jump away and Yev squeal with laughter, their happiness obviously contagious. 

  "Hey whatever helps you sleep at night," Ian replied, pecking him on the cheek before making his way over to the kitchen, Yev still in his arms.

  "You're a little shit and I hate you," Mickey called after him.

  "Love you too Mick."

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