Chapter 13: Finally There

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  They were Mickey and Ian, that meaning that nothing fancy was planned- much to Debbie's disappointment. They were at the registry office with Debbie, Lip and Yev that was it. They were both in jeans and a shirt, Mickey's black and Ian's blue, their three guests were also smart-casual, again much to Debbie's disappointment. They didn't need anymore though.

 The pair said their vows, kissed, Debbie wiped away tears and Lip had a small smile while Yev was generally oblivious of everything. They then left without fanfare but the boys with huge grins and rings on their fingers. As they stepped back outside, bidding Debbie and Lip goodbye, Ian looked over at his new husband and couldn't help but wrap the shorter man in his arms. Mickey chuckled and wrapped the arm that wasn't holding Yev around Ian's neck as Ian buried his face in Mickey's. 

  "I love you," Ian muttered against the skin.

  "Love you too Ian Milkovich," Mickey returned.

  Ian pulled back to stare at him, grin so wide it was a wonder his skin wasn't splitting. That had been the first time that he had been called that legally and it felt amazing. He was no longer a Gallagher and he wasn't in the least bit sad about that. The EMT was able to wind his fingers into those of his husband, feeling the ring cool against his skin. The last time Mickey had worn a ring it had been Svetlana's but now it was his. He wondered if Svetlana had left because they were getting married. He hoped that wasn't the case.

  At that moment, Yev gurgled in Mickey's arms, leaning over and grabbing at the material of Ian's shirt. Both men turned their attention to the baby, as ever their cute bundle being the centre of their world. The boy was smiling at them even as he made grabby hands at Ian, getting his wish as he was passed over. Kissing the blond hair, Mickey took a step back only to reach out and grab Ian's hand again, pulling until they started walking.

  Even after all this time Mickey did't ever hold his hand outside and Ian never attempted to push that. Here they were though, the three of them a little family, Mickey, Ian and Yevgeny Milkovich with the married couple holding hands proudly. It was a dream come true and Ian didn't think he could possibly be happier else he would burst. 

  "Hey Mick, we're a typical couple of gays now. Skipping along holding hands with a little baby and all," Ian teased, putting on a false dreamy voice.

  "Aye shut the fuck up you dork. A, we ain't fucking skipping and b, we need to get home pronto and put the little baby to bed so we can consummate this new marriage," Mickey smirked.

  That thought went straight to Ian's dick and he subconsciously sped up which made Mickey chortle and Ian then flip him off. 


  As soon as Yev was asleep- not an easy feat as he didn't want to go down at all- Mickey and Ian were on each other. Mickey roughly pushed Ian back into their bedroom, lips on his. As soon as he had pushed him down onto the bed though Ian flipped them so that he was on top, the pair rapidly pulling the clothes off of each other. 

  Soon Mickey was naked beneath him and Ian couldn't help but be drawn to the ring that glinted from Mickey's finger. Without breaking eye contact, Ian picked up that hand and licked over the fingers, sucking the ring finger fully into his mouth and watching as Mickey moaned beneath him. His husband. That was what he was thinking as he moved down Mickey's body and sucked on his husbands dick or when he was sliding into his husband. 

  As roughly as they started, the actual 'consummation', as Mickey had put it, was slow and loving. They either kept eye contact or kissed the entire time, although towards the end it was more like just breathing into each other's mouths. It was all perfect because it was his husband beneath him and he was making love to him as Ian Milkovich. Despite everything they were husbands and they were going to grow old together, loving each other till the day they died.

  Ian wasn't an idiot, he knew that marriage wasn't always a forever thing- look at Lana and Mickey- but with Mickey asking him, a man, to marry him... It was something with meaning, it jumped a mile over Mickey's fear of his dad and of being gay. It meant something and it was love. They would be different, they would be together forever.

  Falling down side by side after they finished together, they just lay their panting. Ian was more than a little aware of Mickey's eyes on him even as he kept his own closed in the post orgasm bliss. After a bit, he felt the bed move as Mickey got up and then the sound of the lighter clicking as he lit up their traditional smoke. 

  Pulling himself up, Ian sat himself up on the board against Mickey's side as they passed the cigarette back and forth. When it was finished they slid under the sheets, facing each other and just basking and relaxing. Once again, Ian found himself grabbing at Mickey's hand and playing with the ring, pushing round and round the finger as Mickey watched him. His husband began to run his fingers through Ian's hair and he rested his head against Mickey's chest as he continued to play with the ring.

  "Thank you," Mickey whispered eventually.

  "What for?" Ian asked, fingers stilling on his hand but not letting go.

  "For giving me a second chance," Mickey replied.

  A second chance... After their first years and after Svetlana. It didn't seem much compared to the shit Mickey had to go through because of Ian and his disease... what he would go through. The fact that he was thanking Ian and was grateful for Ian...

  "Thank you for standing by me through everything," Ian whispered back.

  "Yeah... guess we're even then," Mickey conceded and Ian could hear the smile before a kiss was placed in his hair. He could only hum happily in reply.

  "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you Mick," he told the other after a long while of silence.

  "Can't wait either... Ian Milkovich."


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