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We then headed out to the courtyard, to only hear Omar shouting at Mitch

"What do you mean the food has gone missing! We got to use that for tonight!" Omar shouts

"We could send scouting teams out to find where it went"

"Don't bother, it has probably long gone by now" Omar says calming down

Me and Violet walk over to them hand in hand, fingers intertwined

"What the fuck is happening?!?!" Violet shouts

"It doesn't matter, we gotta send a hunting team out" Omar says

"Fine, Clementine, Louis and I will go and Mitch and Aasim will keep watch" Violet says slightly annoyed

"Louis!" I shout taking him out of his daze

He walks over

"Yes, m'lady" he says jokingly

"You, Violet and I are out to hunt" I say

"Ok, sure" he says

All three of us head towards the gate, open and close it behind us, we little while down the path

"What exactly are we looking for?" I ask

"Rabbits, squirrels, anything catchable really" Violet says

We eventually get to the hunting spot and set up

"Ok, Clem, you head to the tall bushes over there, normally there are a few rabbits there, Louis and I will look over there pointing to slightly bigger hunting zone, ok?" She says

"Ok, I say

She pecks my lips and we apologize off to hunt

"Okay...." I say to myself scanning the area for rabbits

"Found you" I whisper

I aim the bow and shoot, it pierces the rabbit right through the chest, or in over and pick it up, and continue hunting

Violet's POV

"Sooooo, Violet, seems like you and Clem have gotten close lately, what have you been doing? Louis asks

"Uhh... nothing!" I say trying to stay calm, even though my face was turning red

"Oh really, because you got really nervous just then!" He says jokingly

"I said it was nothing!" I say trying not to blow mine and Clem's cover

"Ok!" He says

We eventually make it the other hunting area and start to look for food

"There's like no-" Louis says being cut off by the sound of gunfire

Clem's POV

I feel a sting in my side, it's a gunshot wound, I manage to pick myself up and finish off the lone raider

"Fuck...!" I manage to breathe out

I walk to a tree, covering the gunshot, and sit down, breathing heavily I then see Violet and Louis run over

"Oh, fuck, no no no" Violet shouts about to cry

"I'll hold off the walkers" Louis says talking a arrow out of his quiver

"V-violet?"I ask coughing up blood

"Yes, it's me, you're gonna be okay" she says squeezing my hand"

"Leave me" I say

"I'm not worth it" I mutter out

"Yes you are, you mean the world to me, I love you Clem, I won't lose you like I did Minnie" she says crying

She picks me up and rushes back to the school, kicking open the gate and rushing in, everyone immediately comes over

"What happened?" Tenn asks

"She was shot, by one of the fucking raiders!" Violet says clearly upset

AJ walks over

"Clem?" He asks

"Y-yeah?" I manage to cough out

"Please don't die" he says

"I won't" I say giving him a fake smile

"Let's go, to  their room to clean her up" Ruby says clearly still in shock

They eventually open the door to our room and Violet carefully lays me on my bed, through the hole surgery I was holding her. Hand, fingers intertwined, luckily Ruby didn't notice, after the surgery they both left to let me rest

First Sight - A Violentine storyWhere stories live. Discover now