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Violet's POV

It's been a few days since I fully recovered.

Clem has been taking care of me, I appreciate her for doing so, she doesn't have to, but she does, and I love her a lot for it.

"Vi?, are you okay?" Louis asks, pulling me out of my thoughts

"Huh?, oh yeah I'm fine just thinking" I reply

"Okay, well I'm going to go set up a card game you wanna join?" He asks

"No, I'm going to go take a stroll around the perimeter" I say walking to the gate

"Be safe!" He shouts at me as I walk out the gate

I close the gate behind and put my hands in my pockets and walk along the path leading to the river.

I hear a strange noise, so I look to the direction of the noise and see the phone line is sparking.

"Fuck" I mumble to myself, realising I didn't know how to fix it, because I didn't bother listening to Mitch's talk about how to repair it

I keep on wandering until I reach the river, and see a dingy, laying on the dirt near the water

I get anxious, so I pull out my cleaver to be ready for anything, I feel a cold, heavy object rested against my head, I drop my cleaver and raise my hands

"Turn around" she says, I recognize their voice

I do as I'm told and turn around

"Violet!?" Both of the girls say, I realise it's Sophie and Minnie

"Sophie?, Minnie?" I say shocked, believing they were both killed

I pull them both in to a hug

"How are you alive?" I ask them both

"We were taken by a raider group that was  run by Lily, but I shot her, so Asha is probably in control now" Minnie says

"Wow, I have no words" I reply

We all head back to the school and stop at the gate, Willy looks down at us with a shocked face, he lets us all in straight away.

"Everyone, Minnie and Sophie are here!" Willy shouts

Everyone rushes over and hugs them, Clem walks over to me

"How did you find them?" Clem asks me

"If anything, they found me" I reply earning a chuckle from Clem

"They said they were taken by raiders, but escaped" I state to Clem

"We'll keep an eye on them, incase they were sent out to earn our trust and take us too" Clem replies with a stern face

"Okay, babe" I says pecking her on the lips

It gets more intense, but Clem stops and says

"Vi, not here, not now" she blushes

"Fine" I reply pretending to be upset

"You wanna join our card game?" Clem asks me

"Sure, what we playing?" I reply

"War" Louis butts in, smiling as always

"Minnie and Sophie can join too" he says

Sophie, perks her head up and walks over, hearing her name being mentioned

"Where's Marlon?" Sophie asks blushing slightly

"Oh, Sophie" I say

"What?" She says

"He died" I say

"Oh, I-" she runs off, crying

Minnie walks over, after hearing the conversation

"She really liked Marlon, like, she like liked him" Minnie says frowning

"How did he die?" Minnie asks

"He killed Brody, and hurt Clem and AJ, so AJ shot him" I reply

"Oh" she replies

I put hand on her shoulder

"It's okay" I say

Louis lightens the mood by calling us over to play the card game, we all walk over

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