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Asha's POV

I arrive at the raider camp, it's not what I expected, nonetheless I enter and assign my place leader, I'm taken to Lily's, Former camp leader, quarters, and claim it a my own

The inside is very bland, just the bare necessities, so I decide to redecorate, I place my backpack on the hard, cold floor and take out what I have, I have a few photos of my different Indian Pop culture and a photograph of my parents and another photo of my neighbours, The Everetts

I re-decorated my room, and looked in the mirror, I was wearing tight, military grade, brown boots, with jeans and a gun holster strapped to it, the jeans being held up with a golden buckled belt. I also wore a white hoodie and fingerless gloves on my hands and around my neck, a family heirloom, a necklace with the letter ॐ on it and too finish off the look my distinctive orange leather jacket, I head out my room to my first speech n front of the rest of the crew.

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