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                        Violet's POV
We made our way to the raider camp, and we are greeted by a large metal gate, a man,wearing a long trench coat and an old paintball mask, patrolling the perimeter, sees and approaches us, with his rifle drawn

"Minerva!, I told you not to fucking bring strangers here!" The man says in a rather threatening and soothing tone

"Chill, Danse, she's a friend, and looking to join" she says to him with a wink

"Ugh fine" he mutters

"Thanks" Minnie says

"You. Owe. Me" Danse growls word for word

"Whatever" Minnie says and he opens the gate and we head, with the gate closed behind us

Every corner and street there are armed 'soldiers' patrolling, wearing whatever will protect them, some wearing old baseball equipment, others actual military wear

"Why are there so many armed guys?" I ask over the hustle and bustle of people

"We were attacked this one time by a small group of survivors, they put quite a dent in our armed forces, so were recruiting civilians with gun experience to join our force, like you" she says smiling at me

"What happened to the group of survivors?" I ask

"They- You know what, follow me I'll show you" she says upping her pace

She takes us to a more dimly lit part of the camp, which is more of a small town

"Be careful, this is the last part of the guards patrol route, anything can happen between now and then" she says in a quiet tone

We eventually reach a one story building, with boarded up windows, and a large hanging sign reading 'Jail', we head inside

A jail guard approaches us, wearing a shirt, with a metal chestplate and jeans with a coat, fingerless gloves, black army boots and a bandana rolled down with shades on

"Hello ladies, are you here to see anyone?" The guard says in a kind  tone and smiling

"No, Asha said to take the rookie around camp"

The man's smile faulters slightly

"Oh okay, take a look around" he says walking back to his desk

Minnie leads me to the lines of cells, we walk past the many cells each  with a prisoner, one was a woman, black, long messy hair, and a  dirty grey shirt, green camo trousers and brown hiking boots, her expression burned right through me, the next prisoner was a guy, with a checkered shirt with black jeans and trainers, his hair was black and short, his expression was kind and caring, the last cell, contained an African American, with short black hair, his beard long but controlled, his brown eyes fueled with loss and anger, he looked about 45ish

"These are the survivors who attack-" Minnie was cut off

The African American prisoner interrupted

"Don't you fucking lie! We were just passing through, and you opened fire!" The man exclaims

"What? Is this true?" I ask Minnie

She doesn't respond, The woman butts in

"Hey!, Don't believe what your friend says girl, she was one of the ones opening fire on us!" She says

Minnie and I were speechless, the other prisoner was silent, the guard came over

"What the fuck is all the noise about?" Im trying to catch my beauty sleep and all I hear is shouting" the guard says

The prisoners are all silent

"A prisoner was speaking out of turn" Minnie says

The guard turns to the prisoners, eyeing them all

"Which one of  you was talking?" The guard asks


"It was me" the Caucasian man says

The guard takes him from his cell and to another room

"He wasn't the one talking" I say to Minnie

"It's out of my power, c'mon let's go the boss" Minnie responds

We leave the small jail and to the main building in the camp

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