The Gloaming Getaway

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Sophie's POV

It's midnight, I quietly get up not to wake anyone nearby and get dressed.

I walk down to the ship deck and wait for Minnie, minutes later she arrives.

"Took you long enough" I whisper to Minnie

"Shut up, Soph, let's get moving" she replies

We get to the fishing boat, but stop when we hear Lily shouting


"I-we" I stumble on my words

Lily descides to try and convince Minnie to stay

"Minnie, do you really want to abandon your family?, The ones who protected you and fed you, is that really what you want?

Minnie is lost for words and just looks back from me to Lily

"Minnie, you know what you have to do" Lily says

Minnie raises her gun and aims it between the middle of my eyes

"Minnie!, please, no!" I scream

She turns around and shoots Lilly in between her eyes, Lily collapses to the ground.

"Let's go" Minnie says with an expressionless face

We head to the boat and down the river.

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