Paying a Social Call

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Clem's POV

The metal door to the main base scrapes opens menacingly and Louis and I walk in and close the door

"All we need now is some creepy music, and the scene will be set" jokes Louis

"Shut up" I say elbowing him in the arm, trying to stay serious

Lee knocks out the guard and puts him in a chair that I assume the guard sits in and puts the guards shades back over his eyes, so he looks like he is guarding

"Where are the rest of the guards?" I whisper to Lee

"I'm not sure, let's just be careful" he replies quietly

We keep moving forward and see two guards talking down the hallway

"Oh, yeah did you hear about the new recruit, rumour has it she killed a whole innocent family with just a toothpick" one guard says

"Jesus, poor family" says the other

"I know it's horribl- " the first guard says being cut off

"Ssh, it's Asha" the other says lowering his voice

Asha walks down the opposite hallway to the guards and stares them down

"Get. Back. To. Work." She says irritated and walks past them and into a room with a dark oak door

One guard walks this way

"He's coming this way, get ready" Lee says

The guard walks round the corner and sees us

"What's up fucker?!" Says Lee and knocks the guy flat

Lee takes the guards suppressed rifle  and we head to the supposed office and Hank knocks on the door, and the guard door opens and Hank pulls out a pistol and restrains the guard, the rest of us walk in to the office

"Who the hell are you?!"  Asks Asha angrily

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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