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Clem's POV

I wake up in a man's arms, I look around and see, Kenny driving the RV with Katja sitting in the front passenger seat, cradling duck, I look right and see Lilly sitting down, lost in her own thoughts, after the accident with her and Ben, and when Doug was shot, Ben sitting down near the table

"Good morning, sweet pea" the man says

I recognise the voice and freeze instantly, it couldn't be, could it?, I turn to face him

"Lee!" I say hugging him tightly

"Okay, sweet pea, I don't know what just happened, but I've been here the whole time"

"I missed you, Lee" I say almost crying

"I missed you too, sweet pea" he replies

"Why don't you go and talk to Lilly, she needs someone to talk to" he says encouragingly

I sit up, and stand up, walking over to Lilly

"Lilly?" I ask

"Yes, Clementine?" She says giving me a small smile

"I miss you" I say

"What?" She says

I hug her and she hugs back

"Don't worry, I'll see you soon" she says

My eyes open and I immediately shoot awake

"Babe, don't move you are so warm" Violet says groggily

"Hi, oh, sorry, babe" I say laying back down. Kissing Violet's forehead and going back to sleep


It's morning, and me and Violet are still fast asleep, Louis walks down the hall and knocks on our door, no answer, he opens it, he smirks

"Wakey, wakey, love birds, breakfast is ready

"Huh?, What?" Violet says sitting up and rubbing her eyes

"Breakfast, you know, the stuff you eat I the morning?, No, not ringing any bells?" He says sarcastically

"Oh, shut up" Violet moans

"Get up then" he says imitating Violet's tone

"Fine, we'll be five minutes" Violet responds

Louis walk out to courtyard over to Omar to tell him

"Clem, get up, breakfast is ready!" Violet says

"Five more minutes.." I say pulling Violet in to a cuddle

Violet tries to escape it, but my grip is to strong, she lays on top of me and starts to kiss me, bad goes down to my neck and starts leaving love bites

"Ohh,Vi" I moan, loosening m grip on her

She slips out my grasp and pulls me out of bed

"AHH" I say in shock of what just happened

Vi starts to get dressed, all I can do is look at her beautiful body, how did a girl like me, end up with a beautiful girl like her

"C'mon slow poke" Vi says

"Fine" I say getting dressed and heading out

We reach the courtyard and head over to everyone eating,and sit down, Omar hands us our food, it's greenish soup, with rabbit chunks in it

"Oh, you finally turned up!" Louis says jokingly

"Oh quit it, Louis" I say smirking

"Fine, fine, anyway who wants to play another game of truth or dare?" He says

"Do you literally know only two card games?" Violet says

Louis ignores the question and begins, Violet gets highest and Louis gets lowest

"Do your worst" Louis says cockily

"I dare you..." Violet says thinking

"Shit" Louis mumbles

"To make out with Aasim!" She says smirking

"What?!" Aasim exclaims

"Dare's a dare, do it!" Violet encourages

"How long?, I mean , what?" Louis says nervously

"One minute!" I say butting in

"Fine" they both say and Aasim puts his hand behind the back of Louis' head and pulls him in for a kiss, a minute passes

"Stop!" Violet says, but they proceed

"Stop!" She says even louder, they pull apart, both going a bright crimson

"Looked like you enjoyed that Louis" I say smirking

"Shut, up Clementine" he says getting brighter

Aasim whispers something in Louis' ear

"I gotta go!" Louis says

"Uhh, me too" Aasim says

They both quickly run off into the school

"Guys?" Willy screams from the lookout station

"There's some guys here for, Clementine" he shouts

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