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Jimin felt kind of feverish, as in a daze, when Taehyung gently guided him into the empty room and closed the door behind them, the place looking pretty much the same as the one they left, just a bit smaller and more run down looking, some old ugly round stools enhancing the bad impression.

Taehyung wasn't kidding about the dust either.

Jimin wasn't even sure when Taehyung turned on the lights, he felt like his hands didn't leave his shoulders for one second and when he found himself sitting down in front of a mirror that looked pretty much identical to the one from before, he still felt weirdly disoriented.

Why did he let all of this happen again?

It was at that moment, sitting in the quiet empty somewhat desolate looking room, with Taehyung's hands still on his shoulders (they were trembling slightly), when he looked into Taehyung's eyes in the mirror, that it really hit him.

Jimin was a total mess of a human being.

He was nuts and definitely should leave right now.

"Okay, so... should I just... keep going?" Taehyung asked before Jimin could do anything about his small revelation.

Taehyung's voice was a bit shaky and full of uncertainty and Jimin honestly didn't understand why he was the one acting so shy, why his face was so red and his hands were trembling, when Jimin was the one totally embarrassing himself here.

Jimin should've used that opening and refused, should've said he would just leave and finish at home (in more ways than one).

But with the way Taehyung was looking at him...

"Yes, please..." Jimin let out and it honestly came out way more desperate and whinier than he intended.

No, he didn't intend it at all actually, he just really wanted to get his hair cut.

At least that's what he kept telling himself when he licked his lips while staring at the bashfully smiling Taehyung.

"Okay, I'll just... it won't take long, I promise, you can just relax," Taehyung let out a bit breathlessly before taking a deep breath (as if to calm himself) and finally taking up the scissors again.

He ran his fingers through Jimin's hair gently, almost reverently, and Jimin realized he was holding his breath in anticipation.

Since when did he become this shameless?

Taehyung grabbed some of Jimin's hair and started to cut, but his grip was so soft and Jimin could see the strands slipping out of his hands, could see the uneven messy cuts he left behind.

"Harder," Jimin let his thoughts slip out, looking at Taehyung's wide-eyed expression from under his heavily lidded eyes.

"I mean... if you hold it like that, the cut is gonna be all weird... you have to... grip harder, it's fine, please..." Jimin tried to explain himself but ended up sounding too needy anyway.

He really was in a weird state of mind right now.

"Alright, I guess... yeah," Taehyung stuttered a little and Jimin almost started to feel bad, maybe he was putting Taehyung into a really uncomfortable position, maybe it was harder on him than on Jimin himself (at this point it wasn't really hard on him as much as giving him a hard on), maybe Jimin was acting just plain nuts.

Seeing the way the blush on Taehyung's face got even deeper made him suddenly feel like he should take a step back (from whatever he'd been trying to accomplish by sticking around).

"I'm honestly... it's just the weather getting to me, my head's sensitive to temperature... or... no wait, that doesn't make sense, I swear I just—"

"No, it's fine, really... I mean I get it, I work with people's hair every day, it happened once or twice before... it's just... you're the first that I... that is so..." Taehyung trailed off after interrupting Jimin's incoherent rambling.

"The first that is so? What?"

"Uhh..." Taehyung let his eyes wander around the room for a few moments as if he was trying to think of an innocent lie, but was having a hard time with even that much. "Loud? Yes! Loud..."

"Oh," Jimin said, feeling a bit disappointed. "I'm sorry, I mean you don't have to—"

"No! No... I want to, I didn't mean that it was bad, I just... sorry wow, it's pretty hot in here, isn't it?"

"It's way colder than the other room," Jimin said and smiled at the completely flustered looking Taehyung.

"Right, I don't think the heating is on in here, is it... haha..."

Jimin thought that the atmosphere completely changed by now, the playful banter removing much of the tension, but of course he was wrong, after their quiet chuckles subsided, after a minute of increasingly heavy silence, it was back again in full force.

Taehyung was holding Jimin's hair in his hands and it was like they both were very well aware what it meant.

There was really no avoiding it now.

"Alright, I'll just... I guess I'll do this, and you can just... no one will hear, I promise." Taehyung's voice was deep and enticing and Jimin found himself trusting him completely, despite the fact he had no reason to.

This guy still didn't even know what Jimin's name was, didn't know anything about him at all.

And yet he felt pretty damn at ease letting whatever was to come off this happen.

And maybe Jimin still had some doubts about how Taehyung actually felt about all of this, but then he heard the way his breath got all shaky when he gripped his hair a bit more firmly, saw the way he bit his lower lip when he finally pulled a little.

And when Jimin gasped, his entire body jolting for a second, when he focused his gaze on Taehyung again... he saw that he mumbled a quiet 'fuck' under his breath.

This whole thing was surprisingly... alright.

More than alright.

Taehyung pulled and cut, Jimin getting more and more heated as time went on.

And judging from the way Taehyung's hands were shaking whenever he looked at their reflection in the mirror, he wasn't the only one who was getting to the point of pretty much exploding.

Jimin was still trying to hold back, but it really wasn't going that well, with his toes curled almost painfully in his shoes, with his throat so tight and tense, his entire body reacting to Taehyung's touches.

His voice kept getting stuck in his throat, the choked up breathy noises filling the room so frequent that he wasn't even embarrassed anymore.

Jimin kept staring at Taehyung's reflection in the mirror, at the way his ears and face were completely red, his face contorted into a strange almost pained expression.

And it really didn't escape Jimin's attention that every now and then Taehyung actually pulled a bit harder on purpose, enjoying the resulting sounds that were leaving Jimin's mouth maybe a bit too much.

When Jimin thought to look down, he noticed that Taehyung's pants were tight, really, really tight. So tight he must've been dying to take them off, just as much as Jimin, if not more.

Jimin was quite honestly fed up.

If it kept going like this he would cum in his pants just like that, and he really didn't feel like going home like that.

Especially since there seemed to be no need for such a drastic scenario.

Taehyung seemed to be really into this.

And Jimin hasn't gotten laid in a while, this wouldn't be a first one night stand for him (though might have been the first... day stand).

What more, Taehyung's timidness was making Jimin pretty damn bold.

"Hey, so... can I ask you something?" Jimin said and really tried for his to voice to come out stable.

But it broke a little halfway through.

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