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"What? You're asking me out on a date?"

"Yeah, I... is it weird? I mean, it's fine if you just wanted this to be a one time thing, but," Taehyung remained silent for a few moments, the expression on his face a little bit strange, a little bit sad as his eyes flicked side to side, trying to find the right words. "I... I wouldn't mind it being more, I guess... that's what I'm trying to say..."

"But, why..." Jimin honestly didn't understand, Taehyung was really handsome, probably out of his league if he were to be honest, and Jimin didn't exactly show any of his good sides, he was just a hot-headed needy mess ever since he entered here, not much else.

"I... you're cute and I've always—" Taehyung stopped himself abruptly and cleared his throat as he tried to zip Jimin back up, maybe so he wouldn't have to finish the sentence.

"I can do that myself, really," Jimin just said and got up, turning his back on Taehyung as he thought about the proposal.

Surprisingly enough, or maybe unsurprisingly, he didn't have to think that hard.

Taehyung was cute and fun and really nice to him.

Jimin really liked it when people were nice to him.

"Alright, I mean... I'm not against it. If you want to... you're not totally awful looking or anything," Jimin tried to joke and turned around to offer Taehyung a faint smile.

He was honestly almost blinded by the grin spreading on Taehyung's face.

He looked like he won the lottery.

"I... I'll try to talk Yoongi-hyung into letting me go right away, I don't wanna make you wait... really thanks for giving me a chance," Taehyung rambled as he took Jimin's hand, leading him out of the room.

"Wait, you should... zip up first," Jimin laughed at the way Taehyung stopped in his tracks, his ears exploding in red as he tried to put himself back together.

"God, I'm so lame... I hope the date is still happening despite you finding that out..."

"Don't worry, I could tell you were lame from the beginning."


But their banter was interrupted when they neared the main room, someone's loud voice reaching them all the way from there.

"Have you seen a small angry man here?"

Jungkook, that brat!

Jimin sped up and left Taehyung behind as he entered, just in time to hear Teahyung's hyung (Yoongi, was it?) answer an amused 'depends on how small, buddy.'

"I'm neither small, neither angry!" Jimin complained and tried not to flinch at the way Jungkook looked at him, bewildered and shocked.

"What the... Jimin, you look like a total mess... what's up with your hair?"

"Don't just drop the hyung, you kid," Jimin grumbled and caught his reflection in the mirror.

Jimin's hair really was a mess, it was all over the place, even though he could tell Taehyung did finish the cut, he didn't see any gaps or uneven parts, it was just really, really dishevelled. It was probably because of the way Taehyung pulled at it. And the weird dampness of it... Jimin decided not to think about whether it was cum or just sweat.

"Whatever, hyung~. Why did you storm off like that? I was looking for you for ages. You really should work on your anger issues."

"You have anger issues?" Taehyung asked when he reached Jimin's side, glancing at him curiously.

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