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As the two walked into Jimins house, Taehyung was stopped in his tracks, unable to walk forward, looking around and taking the others messy habits into his puzzled mind.

Jimin turned back to Taehyung, noticing that he had suddenly stopped and began to scratch the back of his head, nervously.

"Oh uh yeah I wasn't exactly joking about how messy it would be. Umm just make yourself feel at home I guess," Jimin gave Taehyung a shy smile before throwing some rubbish from the floor into the bin and quickly throwing some dirty clothes behind the furniture hoping that the other wouldn't notice.

Taehyung slowly took his jacket off, carefully hanging it onto the coat hanger and walked around the room, analysing the decor.

His eyes glided across multiple paintings hung on the wall, noticing small piles of dust gathered around the edges, threatening to fall.

He continued to examine everything decorating the cream coloured walls until his soft brown eyes landed onto a big fancy looking picture frame.

The frame was occupied by an old summer photo of Jimins family back in Busan. Taehyungs eyes darted around the photo, focusing on Jimins parents.

His mother, a beautiful young lady, her hair neatly pinned back with a hand crafted hair pin, dressed in a flowery yellow summer dress, holding a small bouquet of hand picked daisies.

He then glanced at Jimins father; a tall handsome man with a good build, holding a proud expression on his freshly shaved face.

But what really captured Taehyungs attention was Jimin.

In the picture, he could guess that the young boy was around 10 years old, wearing a pair of baby blue shorts and a black and white striped tank top.

His smile travelled all the way up to his shining eyes, his chubby cheeks, flushed with a light dusting of pink rose.

He thought Jimin looked beyond adorable and couldn't stop a soft "aww" from escaping his mouth.

Jimin spun around, facing Taehyungs slender figure and couldn't help but painfully facepalm himself for allowing this situation to happen.

"Please stop looking at me as a kid," Jimin whined, holding the others arm and trying to pull him away from the photo frame.

Jimin was pretty strong so Taehyung fell backwards slightly, furrowing his eyebrows with confusion.

"But you were a cute kid. Your chubby cheeks are adorable!" Taehyung exclaimed, showing Jimin his boxy smile. "Don't you agree Jimin?"

"Uh...no. Um my childhood wasn't exactly the best," Jimin spoke with a rushed pace, wanting the subject of the conversation to change and Taehyung noticed the others discomfort, deciding not to argue against it by nodding with a smile.

"I'm just going to take a quick shower, you can do whatever you want." Jimin spoke quickly before heading towards the bathroom, leaving Taehyung to wonder around the living room, aimlessly.

He decided to get comfortable on Jimins white leather sofa until his curiosity got the best of him.

His mind was bombarded with thoughts about Jimins childhood and what he disliked about it so much.

He imagened Jimin to have had an amazing childhood full of happy memories and loving family but maybe that just wasn't the case.

He made a promise to himself that he would eventually find the reason to Jimins past self.

After 20 minutes of getting lost in his thoughts, Taehyung noticed the sound of the running water had stopped so he decided to make his way to the bathroom because he needed to use the toilet.

Of course Jimin hadn't shown him the different rooms upstairs so he didn't exactly know where the bathroom was, meaning he would have to find out himself.

Taehyung quietly started walking up the wooden stairs, trying not to disturb the other by making too much noise as he reached a hallway filled with various rooms.

Hesitantly, he placed his large hand onto the doorknob of one of the simular doors, twisting it open to reveal a boring looking storage room filled with boxes of mixed old items.

Closing the door, Taehyung moved onto the next room.

He noticed that the door was left ajar so he pushed it open with a curious expression which was soon replaced with surprise and his mouth was left agape, unable to take in what he's seeing; the nicely built back, covered with droplets of water cascading down each muscle, a towel wrapped around the owners small waist, threatening to fall down, and the messy hair that was spiked up everywhere due to the wetness.

Taehyungs eyes locked in on the body.

With every effort that he made, he couldn't look away for the slightest second.

He found his widened eyes darting around each glistening muscle that the other boy had and found his jeans tightening around his crotch.

Taehyung was in a sticky situation.

Suddenly, the body turned to face Taehyung, masking the surprise on his face by running his fingers through his hair, revealing his wet sexy forehead.

Jimins expression showed every sign of pure cockiness.

He raised his eyebrow at a flustered, blushing Taehyung as his hand slowly roamed over his abs, maintaining eye contact with the other, teasingly.

Slowly, Jimin walked towards Taehyung until his wet naked chest almost touched the others, leaning forward and whispers into his ear,

"Like what you see hm?"

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