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Hoseok's POV

"i'm not in the mood for your bullshit right now Hoseok" Jackson said in a stern voice. "i can't believe how care free you guys were about this now i have to do something none of us want to happen because of your dumbass descions "

all of our eyes widened at what he said, to be honest i was terrified of what it was gonna be maybe it means we were going to be put on meds or have to se a psychiatrist or some shit all i know is that it's terrifying me. "W-what is it?" i asked with a shaky voice.

Jackson sighed and looked at us with sad eyes' "After i talk about this even more with you guys i have to send you guys to the domestic violence group now before you guys say anything it was not my idea it was my bosses and i have no choice but to follow his orders i know you guys aren't violent but i have to send you there for you to get put in place or some shit it's really complicated but i have no choice and besides it's only for a week"

Jimin gripped my hand tightly and started shaking, "what does domestic violence mean hyung?" i sighed and rubbed the back of his hand gently, "Jackson can you explain it to him for us?" Yoongi said sighing.

"Jimin domestic violence is basically another for of abuse but it's any kind of abuse so like sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse and other things it can go as far as homicide and shit like that"

Jimin covered his mouth and glared at Jackson, "your sending us there to those crazy ass bitches what if we get hurt whats gonna happen what if they kill us or rape us or other shit" i just started laughing and looked at him, "Jimin they can't be that bad and besides you have us to protect you"

Jimin rolled his eyes and nodded, "okay sure your gonna protect me" "don't test my limits baby~"

"Jimin i don't even understan why your so fucking cared you were supposed to be put in that group becasue what your here for is for abusing kids at school the only reason your not there is becasue i said i'd take you since you looked like you actually had sanity" Jackson said while giving Jimin the 'are you serious face'.

"oh yeah i forgot about that sorry, by the way who are the kids in that group anyways?" Jackson's eyes widened at the mention of the question. "well the groups ot switched around but their names are Jungkook, Taehyung, Yugyeom, and Bambam"

Yoongi jumped out of hs chair, "there is no way your sending us there with them two of them abuse their parents one of them assults women and the other almost killed like a lot of pepole so i'm not going"

"Yoongi if you don't go we are requierd by law to send you to a mental institution for a year or so or until they think your ready to leave so it's you go there or go with the crazy's for a week which one sounds better for you"

"fine we'll do it" "okay good you guys go tommorow it's the room to the right of the hallway you know the one thats always loud"

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