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Jimin's Pov
It's been a few weeks since I got discharged from the hospital and i don't think i've ecer been more happy in my life, me and the other two have moved out and moved in together.

School has been better for us, our grades have improved we've been getting in less trouble than we have before and everything is so good for us right now.

I now have to take pills for my aggression so I won't get as angry as I usually do and I have extra therapy sessions with Jackson just by myself.

Yoongi and Hoseok are caring.. they've helped me through a lot recently, my mental health is slowly improving by the day but I'm still not where I need to be but thats okay.

Yoongi hasn't done drugs since that one night and Hoseok has given up drinking completely since then as well. We all are slowly doing our best and trying to get better and to be honest its all working out.

Now we all were just watching a K-drama together and discussing it together.

"You have litterally no taste in men Hobi!" Yoongi groaned as he rolled his eyes. ''Yes I do afterall i'm dating you" he said and crossed his arms.
"Do not bring me into this you rat!"

"What are you two even arguing over?" I said and giggled softly, I might've zoned out for a bit but thats besides the point.

"He thinks Jojo should pick Sun-oh instead of Hye-yeong!" Yoongi exclaimed dramatically

"Because she should, he is more attractive and still has feelings for her even if they did break up, and besides she still has feelings for him!"

I mentally face palmed myself and sighed, ''her love alarm has a sheild on it dumbass so even if Sun-oh and Hye-yeong ring her alarm she can't ring either of theirs back so we don't know who she likes.." I said and smiled softly knowing this would set them off even more.

''She should date Hye-yeong because he liked her before Sun-oh did and his feelings are genuine and he is also 100% boyfriend material Sun-oh is just clinging on to the past"

''No he's not Hoseok-ah he actually cares for her, like for example what happened at Jeju Island"

"What happened at Jeju island is fhe reason for their breakup, he ignored her after the incident on the motorcycle and she though he didn't love her anymore then she put the sheild that Duk-gu sent her on her Love alarm"

"That's not what happened at all!"

I just started laughing as this was such a dumb argument, stuff like this happens a lot but its cute to watch.

''Chim, whats your opinion on it?" Yoongi asked and looked at me in the eyes.

''Personally, I don't think she should date either one if them. It's obvious both of them still have feeings for her just like they did in the beggining,  Sun-oh is a sweet boy at heart its just that he's stubborn and still wants to blame it on Jojo that they broke up when he also did something to make her wnat to break up with so.its not entirely her fault, Hye-yeong is still heartbroken but in denial about it; it was a dick move of Sun-oh to date Jojo when he knew Hye-yeong liked her so now that Sun-oh has a girlfriend he thinks that he can probably have a chance with her but she doesn't like him back.. she thought that getting the sheild would stop her from getting heartbroken but in reality it hurts everyone elses heart and it hurts her even more..''

Both of them went silent and looked at me, "okay you have a point but if you had to pick one who would it be" Hoseok said and smirked cockily.

''She should date Hye-yeong because he deserves the chance to date her like Sun-oh did'' Yoongi smiled happily and picked me up and twirled me in the air. ''Thats my baby~" he said and kissed me all over my face.

''Aish, you both give me a migrane~"

Ths end

Ahh,  thank you guys for reading this story I love all of the support you gave it, it really means a lot and made me more motivated to write a sequal to it. The sequal will be out tommorow or the day after.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me and I hope you guys give the sequal the same support you gave this.

I was planning on doing a charecter q&a but thats only if you guys want one just comment yes or no.
The k-drama is called Love alarm I highly recommend you watch it sorry for the spoilers though sksk

Goodbye see you clowns soon - xoxo makayla

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