chapter 4

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While papyrus was walking you started to feel a little sleepy and gave out the cutest yawn ever making paps blush, as you were trying to stay awake papyrus said " KI-(Y/N) YOU CAN GO TO SLEEP WHILE I CARRY YOU TO MY HOME DO NOT WORRY FOR I THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS WILL PROTECT TO NO MATTER WHAT! "  and with that you fell into a deep sleep, papyrus knew you were a light sleeper so he had to be very careful to keep you asleep but he couldn't help but look at you cute sleeping form and look at those luxurious lips. He couldn't help him self but put his fingers to your lips and part then slightly and lean in, but he was hesitant, was he going to do it in the open where someone could see them, then it wouln't last long. So he decided to wait till he got home when he has you all alone, vulnerable and so weak. He let out a sigh and kept walking home.

*time skip at home*

As papyrus entered the house he closed and locked the door and went to his room to lay you down and so he could make dinner for you and him but he was going to make (f/f) and he knew you loved it, so he started to make (f/f).

*your pov*

As I opened my eyes I saw I was in a different place, quickly sitting up I looked around and noticed the room was very clean and there was a lot of black and red but I  kinda liked it. As I was done inspecting the room I got up, carfull of my wounds and went to open the door but before I could someone opened it before I could. I took a step back a little and looked at the person in the door way. It was papyrus and he looked surprised but also relived but he pulled himself together and came in the room closing the door. Not hearing him locking the door behind him, he said something that cough me off gard " YOU SHALL BE STAYING HERE FOR NOW ON, IF I LET YOU OUT THOSE GIRLS WOULD PROBABLY TRY TO HURT YOU AGAIN OR WORSE, AND I THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE  PAPYRUS WILL PROTECT YOU NO MATTER WHAT." he said but before I could say anything he put (f/f) in front of me and said " I MADE THIS FOR YOU AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT I WORKED HARD ON IT AND PUT A LOT OF LOVE IN TO IT." he said and with that I stuttered a small thank you but didn't notice the red blush on his cheek bones and with that I took a bite and my eyes widened and stuttered to him that it was really good! Which he said of course it was and I ate it all enjoying every bite. When I was done eating I started to feel a little tired not sure why since I just woke up like five minutes ago but oh well it wouldn't hurt to take a small nap, as you were thinking you didn't notice you started to fall to the ground. Becoming weak of how tired you were but papyrus cought you and laid you down on his bed and wispered something, but you were already asleep not knowing he said " I LOVE YOU (Y/N) AND YOU WILL BE MINE FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT.  EVEN IF I HAVE TO LOCK YOU IN THE HOUSE WITH ONLY ME" he said.

Yandere UF Papyrus × shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now