chapter 10

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You slowly woke up to the smell of something cooking, so you slowly got up and noticed Papyrus wasn't anywhere to be seen. When you looked around more, you noticed the note on top of some clothes. The note read.

      Dear (Y,N), I have layed out some clothes for you, please get dressed and come down stairs.
             -The great and Terrible Papyrus.

So you did as told and got dressed ( think of your own clothes)
So when you were ready you went down stairs and headed to the kitchen. But when you got there you quickly went up to Papyrus's side and quickly grabbed his wrist, he was about to smack Sans with a wooden spoon! Papyrus looked down at you and slowly put the spoon down. But as he did so, he kept his eyes(?) on Sans. So when the spoon was down, Papyrus picked you up and carried you to a chair at the table, making you sit down and pushed the chair in for you. Then he went to the counter and put some (F,B)(fav breakfast)
and put it in front of you. You wispered a thank you to Papyrus. He just gave a slight smile and pat your head, saying in a quiet vocie, " You are quite welcome my dear." A little later Sans came in with his own plate and a bottle of mustard. Soon after Papyrus came in with his breakfast and immediately sat down next to you before Sans could. Sans just tsked and said" I'mma head to my room and take a nap, night Boss, night (Y,N)." You stuttered a good night to Sans but Papyrus just scoffed and grumbled about Sans being lazy and continued to eat. Soon after you were finished along with Papyrus, so he grabbed both your plates and said " We will be walking to school today, so please wait outside for me while I grab our stuff." You nodded and went to open the door but you quickly yelled goodbye to Sans hoping he heard you. Then you walked outside to wait for Papyrus to walk to school.


Yandere UF Papyrus × shy readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora