Chapter 11

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As you were waiting out side for Papyrus, you started to wonder if your parents were worried or searching for you. Why have they not called or text you on the pho-....YOUR PHONE!!? WHERE WAS YOUR PHONE? You remembered having it before those mean girls attacked you. You probably dropped it while they were hitting you. You wondered if one of them took it or it was still in the ally way. You thought about asking Papyrus about it but thought that if he saw it then he would have gave it back, right? Since he has been so nice to you and even let you stay at his house. But you were going to ask just in case he saw it but did not pick it up, not knowing it was yours. As you were thinking, Papyrus came out in a red sweater and tight jeans.
*what he is wearing in the picture above*
You blushed, thinking he looked really good. But quickly looked away hoping he did not see, but oh he saw alright and was quite pleased you found him atractive. You thought back to your phone and decided to ask him about it. " u-um P-papyrus did you h-happen to see m-my phone in the a-ally when you helped m-me?" Papyrus looked at you, it seemed he was think to himself. You thought he was thinking if he remimbered seeing your phone or not but oh how wrong you were. Papyrus was not really happy that you remimbered your phone. Yes he knew where it was, it was just in his backpack that he took to school. He only had it to keep you safe, he noticed that someone some how got your number and was sending you all kinds of nasty stuff. But Papyrus also didn't want you calling or texting anyone but him. So he kept your phone going through it, he didn't understand why you didn't have a password for you phone but in the end it helped him out. He was deleting everything that you wouldn't need, all your friends and family contacts, pictures of your friends and family. You just needed him, he already changed your background to a (sexy) photo of him. And he already put his contact in your phone. So all he had to do now was give it to you, and he had the perfect plan on how with out drawing suspension torwds him. "YES, I DID SEE IT BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS ONE OF THE GIRLS PHONE THEY DROPPED WHEN THEY RAN AWAY." You nodded, you knew he wouldn't lie to you. And if your phone was still there than you could go back for it! "WHEN SCHOOL IS OVER I WILL DROP YOU OFF AT OUR HOME AND GO TO THE ALLY AND LOOK FOR IT." It was the perfect plan, Papyrus could drop you of at home and go to the ally and "find you phone" and come back and say that he could not find it, he thought it would be better if you did not have your phone. So he was going to keep it, and make sure no one talk to you. Besides the phone would only take your attention off of him even more. And that was not an option. After the conversation and some slight silence you and Papyrus made it to school right on time. But you first relised that the girls that usally wait for you to beat you up was no where to be seen. You shrugged it off though, considering your self lucky that they were not there. But what you did not know was that you were never going to see them again, a live at lease. But now came the hard part for Papyrus, you two had most of the same classes but not all of them. How was he going to keep you safe and watch over you? Papyrus would worry about that later, in the mean time you two had English together, and he was going to enjoy every second he had with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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