Getting To Know Him

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The bell rings for class to end and that means lunch and activity! Our school has a (very) stupid system setup with 1st and 2nd lunch. Our classes (both A and B day) have second lunch this quarter. I stand up from my seat *which is very uncomfortable may I add* and meet Carleigh outside the classroom. "I'm so hungry" Carleigh complains dragging out the word 'hungry' slightly. "You'll be fine!" I reassure her sarcastically. "No, I'm gonna die!" I roll my eyes at her comment as we are shushed by Mrs.Menendez as we begin to walk down the hallway out to the blacktop for activity.

We get outside and I see the new kid hanging out with.. Hayden.. Hayden T. of all people. I see him laughing and just shake my head. Carleigh (being the confident and outgoing person she is) of course drags me over to him. "Hi! My name is Carleigh, and this is my friend Lahna. We-" I cut her off, "You.." She glares at me. "Continue" I say casually. "We" She says hitting me slightly and over emphasizing the word 'we', "Wanted to make sure you felt welcome here! What's your name? " She asks. "Shawn" he responds casually. "Nice to meet you Shawn! How's Crestdale treated you since you got here?" "Carleigh, he's been here for like, an hour. What much can he do? Or rather, what much can PEOPLE do?" I say emphasizing the word people. 

"Well I don't know! People here are crazy sometimes.. " "*cough* Hayden *cough cough*" I say. "Lahna's actually smart and has a point for once. Wow!" Hayden says screaming the word 'wow'. "Gee thanks!" I say imitating him by screaming the word thanks, laughing after. This makes Carleigh, and what was his name.. Oh yeah, Shawn laugh, Carleigh also jumped "Hayden I just have one question..." He looks at me with big eyes, "Have you done anything to Shawn yet?" "What do you mean? I haven't done anything pfft no!" "He sexually assaulted me," Shawn says out of nowhere causing us all to bust out laughing. "Oh no, I've been caught!" Hayden says running away "Call 9 uno uno!" I shout making Carleigh jump once again, making me laugh even harder.

We hang out with weirdo 1 and 2 for the rest of activity, and I have to admit, Shawn's pretty funny. He makes another sexual type joke, and I see Carleigh blushing. I nudge her with my elbow and she whisper-yells "Stop it!" I giggle at her response right as the bell rings. I take off running to try and get Carleigh's lunch box. She soon realizes what I'm doing and runs after me. She was a second too late as I already had her lunch box. Shawn took it from me, and wouldn't give it back to Carleigh. She looked pathetic as he was switching the lunch box from hand to hand in a circle around his torso, with her chasing the lunch box. "This is pathetic" I say laughing slightly. "Shawn, this isn't funny!" "Then why are you smiling?" He questions smiling as he winks at her.

-Llama~Chan <3

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