The Make-Up

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"What?" I ask her, kind of worried about who it may be. "Who are you talking to?" The guys asks as he walks closer to her. I assume she's not being attacked or anything, because she doesn't seem scared. As he walks closer, I can see it's Shawn. "Why would you think you aren't meant to have a boyfriend? To have me?" He asks, sitting next to her. "Because, something always gets in the way! You are too blind to realize the kind of person Opal is, then you go and encourage her flirtatious behavior towards you! And you let her kiss you!" Carleigh exclaims, and I believe I saw a tear run down her face.

"Carleigh, I told you, she forced it on me. All I did was compliment her outfit, and she went and kissed me. You don't have to think you aren't meant to have a boyfriend." Shawn tells her soothingly. He pulls her into a hug, and kisses the top of her head. "Awwwee" I say, probably ruining the moment. "You just had to be on the phone with the fangirl. Didn't you?" He asks Carleigh. Carleigh and I laugh and I exclaim, "What do you have against fangirls?!" He rolls his eyes and asks Carleigh, "How about that date?" He hold out his hand, she takes it, and says, "Let's do it." We say goodbye, and they go on their little date.

I watch videos on YouTube for an hour or so, when the one and only Kendal decides to call me. I hesitate answering, but pick up the phone:
Me Kendal
What could you possibly need?
I... I wanted to say sorry for earlier.
Because I lied a little
Dating Opal.. she asked me out, but I said no.
So why did you tell me you were dating her?
I don't know. I guess all confidence I had built up to ask you out kind of flew out the window at that point.
I sigh with some disappointment.
I wanted to see if I could try this again.
Kendal... I don't know. You just broke up with Cadence, then lied about Opal.
Hey, don't worry about it. I get it.
I'm sorry, but just wait a bit. Maybe if you ask in a couple weeks, you just might have a new girlfriend.
Heh, I'll have to see if I can wait that long. It's hard when you want a pretty girl you can't quite get to.
We both chuckle.
I'm gonna go ahead and go. I have some homework for Jacobs to do...
You want to do it together?
We spend about 45 minutes joking around and doing some homework, then chat for a little afterwards. Eventually, we hang up to continue with our nights. I do wonder what it would be like to date Kendal though.. I just want to give him time to make sure he gets fully over Cadence. Anndd to make sure he isn't just girlfriend hopping.

~Timeskip to the next morning; 1st block~

I walk into Anselmi's class for 1st block, and see Sharleigh being all coupley (or as coupley as they can be during school). Shawn has his arm around Carleigh, with her head on his shoulder. I look across from them, and see Jenna beat me to fangirling. "How long have they been doing this?" I ask Jenna as I take my seat across from her. "Since Shawn walked in the room, I don't get why though" she responds. "Carleigh saw a picture of Shawn kissing Opal, and she thought he was cheating. Which by the way, is ridiculous. Anyways, she ended up believing Shawn, so they're fine now." I explain. "Oooo okay" she says, processing all the information. "At least they're happy" she states, and I agree, "Yep, just as they should be."

"Alright losers who's got the answer?" Mr. Anselmi exclaims, kind of ruining the moment. Some students raise their hands, including the ship itself, Sharleigh. "Alright Cartney, what's the answer?" Anselmi asks. "18" Carleigh states in an extremely happy way. Shawn smiles, and puts his hand on her leg under the table, and looks proud as ever. I happen to catch a glance at the table behind us, only to see and remember that Opal is in this class. I face the front as I roll my eyes, and just try to ignore that such a person is in this class.

~Timeskip to end of class~

The bell rings as everyone has just finished packing up their stuff. I see Carleigh nervously look over at Opal for a moment as I meet up with Shawn. "You a proud boyfriend?" I tease. He rolls his eyes, although I'm not sure if it's in a joking way or not, "Very proud. I have a gorgeous and smart girlfriend, what's not to be proud of?" He smiles as she catches up, and he puts an arm around her. "Whatchu two talking about?" She asks, and looks at us curiously. "Just talking about how I have the best girlfriend" he replies. "Awwwweee!" I quietly exclaim as Carleigh begins to roleplay, "Oh really? What's she like?"

I walk away and let the lovebirds be cheesy, and I run into Opal. "Can you help me?" She asks quite desperately. "No" I immediately respond, not wanting to throw wood into the fire. She rolls her eyes and begs, "Pleeaasee?" I shake my head and walk off after saying, "Nope not happening." I walk into my Medical Detectives class, and get to take a break from anything Opal.

~Timeskip to walking out to activity~
Carleigh was practically begging me to update the Sharleigh story as we were walking out to activity, but I just don't understand why she needs it. "Carleigh, why do you need the story when you literally have the reality?" I question. "Because not as many bad thing happen in the story!" She exclaims, stopping her foot like a pouting child as we reach the soccer field. "Aw, do I need to get Shawn to calm little Carleigh down?" I tease, treating her as she's acting. She walks off to find Shawn, but stops dead in her tracks. I look around her to see Shawn and Opal possibly arguing.

We both walk over and hear Opal yell, "Just drop her Shawn! I could treat you so much better and you don't even realize it! You're such an idiot, can't see the good things in life even when they're right under your nose." "Opal, you wouldn't treat me better than Carleigh, especially seeing the way you're acting right now. You're the one who's practically blind. You've been acting up ever since I started datin-" Shawn calmly says, but cuts his sentence short when he sees Carleigh and I.

He puts his arms out to Carleigh as I nudge her, and she goes over and hugs him. He puts an arm around her, and says, "This girl right here is who I want to be with. Not some lowlife like you." He states. I smile at the sight as Opal looks quite stumped. I chuckle, and she glares at me, only making me chuckle once again she rolls her eyes, then crosses her arms over her chest, "Choose."

A/N Happy New Years everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm trying my hardest to keep 1000 word chapters up (this actually took like a month to write lol). What does Opal mean? What might happen in the next chapter? You'll find out next week!

-Llama~Chan <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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