The Party

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A/N 2000 word chappie ahead!

~Sleepy time~

I wake up around 10am, and as per usual, go on my phone scrolling through Instagram, sending Snapchat streaks and what not. I walk out of my room to ask my sister if I can wear her uggs tonight (hehehehe). I knock on her door, and get no answer. I open the door to find her not there, must be at work. I grab the morningly poptart and sit on the couch with my phone. After awhile, I finished le poptart, and drifted off into my room, watching YouTube until it is time to leave.

~Yet another time skip because idk what to write~

It's 5:30pm now as I just finish my makeup for Hayden's party. I apply the last bit of mascara and clean up all the makeup I had set out. I slide my uggs on, and walk out the door with my mom.

"10:00 right?" My mom asks as I get out of the car. "Yep!" I exclaim, as I'm greeted by Hayden. "Hey devil twin," she says. "Alright, Hayden, is your mom here?" "She's changing into her costume." "Okay, I'll see you later Lahna. Bye Hayden." "Bye!" We exclaim in sync. We walk inside the house and I sit on a stool next to Brody. "Hey Brody" I say exaggerating his name. "Hey" he says plainly, as if in deep thought. "Whatcha thinkin about?" I ask, exaggerating 'thinkin'. "W-What? N-nothing imp-portant" he exclaims blushing. "Mhm" I say cheekly smirking. I walk over to the couch and chat with Jenna and Megan for a while.

About 10-15 minutes later (coincidentally) Shawn, Logan, Opal, and Carleigh all arrived. Opal was smiling smugly, Carleigh skipping happily, and then Shawn and Logan on the side just watching the girls. They come inside and are greeted by Hayden. We all venture outside as Carleigh, Jenna and I begin to discuss the Sharleigh story.

Once everyone was settled outside, Brody comes up to us and asks, "Hey Carleigh... U-um... C-can I talk to you? A-alone?" "Sure!" She says happily. They walk off out of mine and Jenna's earshot. We start to brainstorm why Brody would 1.) be stuttering and 2.) want to talk to Carleigh alone. "You don't think-" I hesitate. "No, he couldn't be-" she hesitates just as I did. "Hey guys!" Carleigh chirps skipping over to us just like when she left. "Did he ask you out?!" I exclaim in sync with Jenna, me being slightly worried for my ship. "Maybe?" She begins giggling. I look around and see Brody a little more depressed than usual. "I assume you said no?" I say drawing my attention back to Carleigh and Jenna. "Yeah... And he looked so sad! I feel bad now!" She says saddened ever so slightly.

I continue to look around and see Logan and Opal... arguing? That's unusual. "Look" I point toward the arguing 'couple' to point them out to Carleigh and Jenna. "They never argue... " Jenna states confused. I attempt to see unsuspecting as I get closer into earshot to hear them. "We're over Logan! Good luck at life without me." Opal exclaims. "Looks like a lovebird left the nest." Carleigh said, which made Jenna and I chuckle. Logan looks slightly shocked, yet somehow emotionless at the same time. I look to his left to see Kendal with a similar expression. I walk up to Logan, "And then there was one." He chuckles and I do the same. "Technically there was three, and now there's two," he says pointing to Kendal. "True." Now there's four. "Huh?" I say questioning Kendal's statement of there being four. "One, two three, four" he counts, point to me Logan, himself and (of course) Cadence. "Then there were five," "Then six" Jenna and Carleigh add, chiming in."And then there were six?" I exclaim questioningly, chuckling. Everyone else laughs.

We continue joking around, until another person calls Carleigh's name... "Hey Carleigh!" I turn to see who it is.... Shawn? "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks bouncing around slightly, in his normal playful personality. "Sure!" She chirps similar to what she did with Brody. He grabs her hand and leads her away from us. I, being the stalker fangirl type person I am, decide that there's just enough lighting to record this. I begin recording as he takes his pointer and middle finger of his right hand, still holding her left, pulls her chin up slightly, and they kiss. I try to muffle my fangirl screeches in an attempt to not ruin the moment. They seperate smiling, and he tells or asks her something I can't quite make out like they want too *cheeky smirk* Anyways, they begin to walk back over hand-in-hand, with Carleigh skipping. We were sitting at the picnic bench, when the two sit down. "What?" I ask in shock and confusion. "Wait..." Jenna starts. "Are you two..." I continue. "Dating?!" We yell in sync. "Yep" the now couple says in sync as Shawn puts his arm around Carleigh, causing her to blush. I snap a picture and they glare at me. (I wish I had one irl) "Hehehe" "Oh lord, here we go..." Shawn says rolling his eyes.

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