The Shipping Tables

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~Time skip to end of 2nd block RINGGGGGGGGG~

The bell rings and I put my binder on the shelf as I walk out of class, and into the hallway. Carleigh has drama at the other side of the school with Shawn, so no use in waiting for her. I continue my walk into the main hall, and turn into the 8th grade hall. I go to my locker and open it to grab my lunch box. I get it, then close my locker and walk into science, and it appears we are getting new seats! This is always such an adventure. Last time I was sitting across from Kendal, then Julianna and I switched so I sat in the back. The bell rings and Mrs. Bauer walks in, holding a clipboard with what I assume is our new seating chart on it.

She starts to sit different people in different places, until I hear a combination of names that catches my ear, "Lahna, Carleigh, Logan and Kendal" She points to different spots on the table indicating where we sit. Kendal and I sit on one side of the table, Carleigh sits across from me, and Logan sits next to her. I start laughing and Carleigh does the same. "What's so funny?" Kendal asks as we sit down. "Oh, nothing," I say, exaggerating my words. "Mhm" someone says adding themselves to the conversation. I look up to see Logan putting his stuff down. He sits down and I look at Carleigh with big eyes realizing who we will be sitting with for the next few weeks. I look at the board and it says to study our vocab on quizlet. I grab a chromebook from the center of the table at the same time as Kendal. We lock eyes for a moment as we pull our chromebooks towards us. As I look away I swear I see a tint of pink rush up to his face. I smirk and continue on with what I was doing.

We ended up doing quizlet for the first 20 minutes of class which of course I used to write my Sharleigh story (breaking the fourth wall here hehe XD). I also am on a chat doc with Carleigh, talking about planning the wedding for Sharleigh, her objecting obviously. "Come onnnn! You let me do it with Logan and you won't let me do it with Shawn?!" I type on the doc. "I'm never gonna hear the end of this am I?" She asks me as I hear Mrs. Bauer standing up from her desk signaling she's about to start the lesson. She introduces that we will be doing a law of conservation of mass lab. "Can we chose our groups?" Jason yells. "No, you will be working with your table groups." Mrs.Bauer says laughing slightly, while looking him with this look with a mixture of confusion, surprise and 'are-you-kidding-me'. "The person in this seat" she says referring to the seat Logan is in, will get..." I stopped paying attention, and looked at Carleigh making her realize that we will be working with KENDAL and LOGAN.

Okay, I have to admit I have a crush on Kendal. Unlike Carleigh, I will admit it (she likes Shawn, yet refuses to admit it). He so funny, and nice (most times). He is attractive too, and did I mention he's funny? I think I did, whatever he's great though. Most of the guys at our school are either really bad kids (smoking, breaking rules etc) or are just not attractive *cough cough* every guy except Kendal {and maybe Logan in looks} *cough cough* "Alright go get your supplies!" Mrs.Bauer says enthusiastically. Me and Carleigh jump slightly at the sudden noise. Kendal and Logan get up, I assume to get supplies. "Come on, llama!" Kendal exclaims. "What?" I ask highly confused. "Get the beakers," Logan joins in like earlier in the class. "Okay, okay. I'm going." Carleigh laughs, and I stick my tongue out at her.

We grab the supplies and as I walk by Carleigh I punch her, not to intentionally hurt her, but to get my point across. "Ow!" She exclaims quietly. "Haha" I laugh, mocking her from previously.

~Flashback to a few moments previous~

"Alright go get your supplies!" Mrs.Bauer says enthusiastically. Me and Carleigh jump slightly at the sudden noise. Kendal and Logan get up, I assume to get supplies. "Come on, llama!" Kendal exclaims. "What?" I ask highly confused. "Get the beakers," Logan joins in like earlier in the class. "Okay, okay. I'm going." Carleigh laughs, and I stick my tongue out at her.

~Flashback over~

Ah, the memories.... "Hello? Earth to the shipper?" I put my thoughts aside to see Kendal is the one who said that. "What the hell?" I say only loud enough for Kendal to hear, while laughing. He stands up laughing as well, scratching the back of his neck. I laugh awkwardly while turning my attention to the fact that Logan's arm was around the back of Carleigh's chair, with Logan staring at her like he wanted to have his arm around her shoulders. In this event, Carleigh is smirking because of what just happened between me and Kendal. Second Landal moment today... geez. "Ahem" I hear two people 'say' at the same time. I look to my left, and see that was... Shawn and Opal. They laugh for a moment, then once again at the same time say, "Your arm?" "Move it" Shawn says afterwards. "Sorry" Logan exclaims saddened by the words, holding his hands in the air as if to surrender. "Thank you, baby!" Opal exclaims quietly. "Okay, ew..." Carleigh say trailing off. "Huh? Ship? Whaaa?" I say confused making Kendal, Logan, Shawn, and Carleigh (basically everyone in this convo except Opal) laugh. Opal seems unamused getting up and going over to Logan as she says, "We're dating, for your information." She says emphasizing 'your' toward me and Carleigh.

"Okay, chill gurlfrand." I say as if I don't want to punch her for that comment. "Geez, chill Opal, they're just friends!" Logan exclaims at his 'girlfriend'. I just nod my head, and make big eyes at Carleigh. "Opal, back to your seat! Just because you're new doesn't mean you don't have to do the work." Mrs.Bauer tells her. "Yes ma'am" she groans rolling her eyes, but I guess Mrs.Bauer didn't see her, because she went back to her desk after that. We continue on with our lab and complete it successfully. We start cleaning up, and as we do Shawn comes up behind Carleigh, grabs just above her waist and yells, "AH!" "AH" she yells slightly. "Heh" I say, laughing slightly picking up the beakers. She sits down and pouts. I hand her once of the two beakers I had in my hand, "Here, make yourself useful for something else other than crushing on Shawn" I wink. "Lahna!" She exclaims. "What'd llama do now?" I just barely hear Kendal say. "I did nothing!" I exclaim.


The bell rings for class to end right as I sit down. "Finally" I hear Logan say. "I know right!" I agree with him. Carleigh gives me this look, that I know all too well. "Carleigh I swear to god if you say you're-" "I'm hungry!" She exclaims happily..... too happily. I facepalm at the words that just came out of her mouth. Mrs.Bauer tells us to line up at the door for activity, so we stand up and head towards the door. As we're waiting, Logan rubs Carleigh's back for about 1.8742326 seconds while he says," Don't worry, you'll get to eat soon." I smirk as they both blush at his actions, and Opal approaches with Shawn. Logan wraps his arm around her even though it's clear he's admiring Carleigh, Shawn appearing to do the same. 

"Looks like you got some secret admirers, hehehehe" I whisper in her ear. "Stop it!" She says as she slaps my arm lightly. This snaps the boys out of their trances. We start walking and I walk ahead of the group, seeing as I'm a fast walker (and I was getting uncomfortable). Carleigh catches up, and I could tell she wasn't done complaining about being hungry. "Go complain to Shawn. Shawn!" I call. "Yes?" "Carleigh wants to complain about being hungry and I've had my fair share."

He puts his arm around her shoulders as she complains once again, "I just wanna eat!" She says exaggerating 'eat'. "I know, I know. I do too" he says trailing off, blushing at the fact that Carleigh isn't aware of his actions. She quickly realizes this and blushes, as well. He removes his arm from her shoulder and frowns slightly. "Enjoy that?" I whisper only loud enough for her to hear. "You know what? Yes, yes I did!" She says crossing her arms and pouting slightly. I giggle as we walk out onto the blacktop. 

-Llama~Chan <3

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