New Seats And An Invite

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~Time skip to when I is home~

I unlock the door and walk in the house with my mom, while my little 10 pound Shih Tzu is jumping on my leg. I greet her as if she's a small child (which she thinks she is by the way) After that little event, I bring my backpack into my room, and toss it on the floor, when my phone goes off:

Snap chat from Hayden

I open it and she invited me to her Halloween party in a couple weeks. I screenshot the messages, and send them to my mom for confirmation on whether I can go or not. "Sure" was all she said. That's okay though, short, simple, and sweet reply! I snap Hayden that I'll be there unless something sudden comes up. She replies with 'cool, see ya tomorrow then'. I exit out of snapchat, and open Wattpad. "Whyyyy" I groan seeing that my numero uno story hasn't been updated yet. I pull out my laptop in an effort to start my homework, but of course, I get distracted by the Sharleigh story. I had only started it about a week and a half ago, and I'm already on chapter 6!

~Excerpt from chappie 6~

I grab a chromebook from the center of the table at the same time as Kendal. We lock eyes for a moment as we pull our chromebooks towards us. As I look away I swear I see a tint of pink rush up to his face. I smirk and continue on with what I was doing. 


I laugh awkwardly while turning my attention to the fact that Logan's arm was around the back of Carleigh's chair, with Logan staring at her like he wanted to have his arm around her shoulders.

~End of excerpt~

~Time skip to the next day because Llama~Chan is lazy XD~

I walk into 1st block like I usually do, with my binder for Social Studies, and notebooks for ELA and math. I see groups of desks instead of the usual rows. "Assigned seats?" I ask Carleigh. "Yep!" She says cheerfully, with Shawn next to her. "What the fuck?" I whisper. "Why is she so happy? You're her 'boyfriend' you should know." I ask Shawn being sure to put quotations around 'boyfriend', as much as I didn't want to. "Okay, 1) I'm not her boyfriend. 2) Why don't you just go look at the seating chart" he says winking at me. I go up to the seating chart and see that I'm sitting on the other side of Carleigh. "This'll be fun!" I exclaim laughing slightly. "Oh no" Shawn sighs. Carleigh and I laugh. I walk over to Shawn and bend down to whisper in his ear, "You'll have a great time." I stand up and smile at him. He gives me the look of being freaked out and I laugh once more right as Jenna walks in. "HI" I scream, but kind of whisper-yell. She jumps slightly and laughs, going to look at the seating chart. She sits down in her seat across from mine. The bell rings and the first class of the day begins!

~Another time skip because Llama~Chan is still lazy~

The bell rang for school to be released, and I had to make sure I knew my costume for Hayden's party tomorrow! I rush outside for no reason whatsoever. I stop in my usual spot and take out my phone. I unlock it and go on Snapchat to see someone added me as a friend (WOW). I look at who it is and see the one and only..... Kendal S. I stare at the screen for a second in disbelief. "O-kay" I whisper to myself, adding him back. Whatever, he'll probably never send me a snap. My phone goes off. Classic love story.... I look at my phone to see that it wasn't actually Kendal. Nevermind. I see my car from where I'm standing, turn off my phone and hop in. The car ride home was really uneventful so I'll skip over that.

~Time skip to Llama~Chan's House~

I walk in the house and am greeted by le doggo like every time I come home. I do the usual, say hello to le doggo, then go to my room to do a combination of Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, and homework. I turn on my phone to see everyone sending me streaks as a response to mine from this morning. I turn off my phone and flop on my bed thinking about my devil costume for Hayden's party. It's nothing much, really. Just some makeup, all black, devil horns, bow tie and tail. I go ahead and lay my outfit out for the next night. 

A/N I shortened Kendal's last name to just the first letter. Just for the dramatic effect and for privacy XD.

-Llama~Chan <3

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