A New Ship & An Old Ship Arising

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  ---------------------------------------------------------Chapter 3-------------------------------------------------------- 

I squeal as quietly as possible while Carleigh blushes and Shawn gives her the lunch box back. "Soooooo, you like him?" I ask with a big grin. "No!" She yells. I laugh and say, "Mhm sure" exaggerating 'sure'

~Small time skip~

I sit down after I got my lunch and I find that Shawn was sitting with us, today. "Why hello again Shawn" I say all formal like, yet in a joking manner. He glares at me, in a joking manner like I had said. He continues on with what he was saying then says to me, Carleigh, and Jenna, "You wanna know what's worse than a worm in your apple?" We think for a moment, then Carleigh out of confusion says, "I don't know, what?" "The Holocaust" he says bluntly, keeping a straight face. I chuckle for a moment, and Jenna does the same. However, Carleigh sitting to my left is laughing while saying, "That's so bad!" I giggle as I think about a- "Sharleigh" I hear myself say. Carleigh gives me the 'are you kidding me?' look. "Sharleigh?" Shawn asks VERY confused. "Don't- Don't worry about it" Carleigh says stuttering.

"Hehehhe" I laugh as Mrs.Voorhies dismisses our table. "What's Sharleigh?" Shawn questions. "Oh i-it's nothin-" "A ship name." I say interrupting Carleigh excitedly. "Huh" he asks still confused. "She ships people, meaning she'll think of two people she thinks looks good together, in this case me and you, and put their names together to create a ship name." "Ah, that's.... interesting..." Shawn says trailing off. "Don't worry you won't be affected." I say, being sure to emphasize 'you'. "That's good, I guess- wait then who will be affected?" He says emphasizing 'will'. "Me" Carleigh says raising her hand slightly as I nod my head and grin, while Mrs.Menendez shushes us, once again.

---------------------------------------------------------Chapter 4----------------------------------------------------------

 We walk back into the classroom and I follow Carleigh to her seat and pretend to take her lunch box. "Stop it!" She whisper-yells while laughing, I laugh as well. Logan turns around as I walk away and look back, he takes her lunch box. I laugh again as he laughs and gives it back. Carleigh does her signature 'pouting' face. Logan chuckles and gives her a slight hug, whispering something in her ear that I can't quite hear. I raise my eyebrows towards them Carleigh rolls her eyes, but Logan looks at me confused. I wave my hand to brush off the thought and go back to my seat and grab my stuff. I walk out the door as Carleigh runs after me yelling, "Lahna!" As per usual, she catches up and grabs onto my backpack because she's "afraid to lose me in the crowd".

I walk into the library since it's my paw time. I go into the farthest corner from the door where I usually sit and talk with Sophie Hider and Caroline. We never actually read even though it's DEAR time (drop everything and read), we just gossip. Usually it's about boys, although sometimes we'll play the Shipping Game. The Shipping Game is when we take turns listing out two ships (four people) and say what we ship more. "I have one. Carleigh and Shawn or Carleigh and Logan." "Carleigh and Shawn," they say in unison. "Hmmmm" "What you still ship her and Logan?" Sophie says laughing. "Kind of!" I yell quietly. All three of us laugh as we continue to gossip through the rest of paw time.


The bell rings and I put my book (that I did NOT read) away in my bookbag. I walk to my locker and kneel down to trade stuff in and out of my backpack. All of a sudden my heart starts racing and I got really nervous over nothing. My breathing became slightly uneven, anxiety. GREAT! Welp, Mrs.Jacobs class we go. As I stand up, and before I grab my backpack, I feel a hand on the small of my back. I look to my left to see Kendal. "Hey.. you okay? You seem a bit on edge.." He says trailing off, but not really. "Yeah, I'm fine" I say taking a deep breath and picking up my bookbag. Kendal takes his hand off my back and we walk to class together, seeing as we have the same class. We get to Mrs. Jacobs class and go our separate ways. Mrs. Jacobs begins her dreaded class, and time passes by slowly until the end of the day. 

A/N I put these two chappies together because they were both hella short, so here is technically two chappies!

-Llama~Chan <3

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